Thursday, December 23, 2010

Film Face-Off: Marvel's Thor vs The Asylum's Thor

Marvel is putting all their Iron Man credibility behind the new Thor movie.  Will it continue the success?

Well, the answer is tricky when you consider that they have competition- from The Asylum.

First in the Face-Off: The Poster (Teaser, anyways)
Okay, that one's an easy call.  Next up: Odin vs. Odin.
Yeah, I don't see how this is a tough one.  Finally, the big one: Thor vs. Thor.
Case closed.  I think it's clear which one is going to be better.

The Asylum all the way!

1 comment:

  1. I am totally planning on watching both as terrible as the Asylum version will be, although I dont have much faith in the Marvel version sadly..
