Friday, February 19, 2010

Lost in Translation: Critters

To make things simpler, this is going to be the new place on MB to showcase weird, foreign posters of American films.

First up, how does Poland see a sub-par monster movie from the 1980s about killer puffballs?  Like this...

I...I don't know what this is supposed to be.  More importantly, I don't see how a theater patron was supposed to either.  Really, guys?

Next up, a pair of countries take on a Tobe Hooper classic.  What will they get out of it?  Stay tuned...


  1. I see the furry little critters, but that's only because I've already seen the movie. Yes, that is a bewildering poster indeed....

  2. *sigh* ...stupid other countries, ruining our awesome bad movies....
