Friday, December 11, 2009

Impossibly-Cool Cover Art: Duel (2-Pack)

As simple as the premise is,- man pisses off truck driver and is chased through the desert- Duel is a good movie. It works so well, in spite of it all. That said, these posters are so much more interesting...
So Duel is an art film? Or is it a very obtuse video game?

Damn, I really want to see that movie! More importantly, I want a truck with a dragon in the under-carriage like that.

Next up, the Greeks amp up a Michael Mann film...not like he usually needs it. Stay tuned...


  1. God I wonder what they did for MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE?! Thats fucking awesome, I want the first one in my Atari collection.

  2. Looks good ..NIce pics is used in this blog....
