Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lost TV: Stephen King's Golden Years- Episode 4

In all of the 'Holiday' stuff, I forgot about this Show.  Don't worry- it was just a short break.
It turns out that our Heroes left just in time, as the Villain shows up shortly thereafter.
 Now on the run, they decide to make their escape vehicle gaudy enough to distract people.
Meanwhile, Dr. Toadwarrior has begun to resume his experiments after finding out about Harland's results.  

Uh oh.
In a nice, quiet moment, Harland consoles his wife who fears that his youth-ening will ruin their marriage.  

To help his next play, the Villain has the lone Doctor left steal Harland's files and then blows him up with them!  

Now to frame someone else...
With Todmcfarlane's help and the missing evidence, Andrews has usurped the General and is leading the hunt his way.  To be continued...
Well, this was definitely more eventful!  

This time, people of importance died, the Plot progressed and Characters had some nice moments.  It would be interesting to think what would have happened with the Mini-Series if they knew that they had a shorter timeframe.  Knowing that this wouldn't come to Series, would they have picked up the pace?  The whole thing is just about four Hours in total, so they weren't lacking for time to fill!  

Tangent aside, this one did one thing I thought was interesting.  Harland is continually de-aging, but it was more subtle this time.  Early one, he still has some gray and some dark brown hair.  By the last shot, his hair was a more light brown.  They didn't hang on a shot of it or talk about it- it just was.  Nice.  Aside from no Stephen Root, this was a real nice Episode that personifies what the Show was about.

Keep it up for Episode 5.  

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to check on Dr. Tomstoppard- he seems to be having issues...
Next time, the pressure mounts and Harland changes more.  Who will make it to the end?  See you then...

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