Jim Wynorski being unoriginal or profiting from the work of someone else is nothing new. However, his 2000 film Militia takes him on a trip to Stock Footage Hell...
The plot involves Dean Cain infiltrating the titular organization to stop them from carrying out a deadly bio-weapon attack. In the film's climactic finale, the group attacks a biological weapons company called Cyberdyne.
Wait, you're saying, isn't that the company from the Terminator series?!? Yes, yes it is. I'll explain...
Rather than filming his own scene of a building being attacked, Jim blatantly-lifted huge chunks of the Cyberdyne attack from T-2. To make it work, he just made the company's name Cyberdyne too. Oh and you can apparently see Arnold in at least one of the stock footage shots. Hurray.
Next up, I want to highlight one of my first experiences with a Godfrey Ho film. It's going to be...confusing. Stay tuned...
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