The film begins with a young woman wandering over to a lake and immediately disrobing. Complete, full-frontal nudity in the first 60 seconds of the movie- check. She swims around for a few moments, while the film indulges in a long series of 'up-skirt' shots...only she is not wearing a skirt. The self-indulgent porn scene ends with a crappy zombie coming up from the bottom of the...heh heh lake and kills her. More on that later.

We get another killing or two before a reporter comes to town. She asks the town's mayor about the mysterious events. He proceeds to give her an answer that involves twenty minutes of exposition footage. That is what I call a long answer! Basically, the town was overrun by Nazis and they killed them. Fortunately or unfortunately, love bloomed between one Nazi and one lady...which leads to another scene of female nudity. I guess there are worse ways to be redundant. They have a kid, but the guy is still dead.
I would be remiss without mentioning the most ridiculous scene of all...which is noteworthy in this film. A girl's volleyball team pulls up to the lake and decides to stop. Two of them strip down and hop in the lake. Of course, three naked women in the lake is not enough for Jean Rollin, so the rest of them join in. This scene is just as self-indulgent as the previous one and actually goes on longer. It also ends the same way...making it pretty pointless. Pointless nudity- check. Oh and some policemen from out of town show up. The wet, muck-covered zombies that have been dead for ten years somehow sneak up on them and kill them too. Thanks for coming to the film guys.

The townspeople finally decide to rise up and kill the zombies. Unfortunately, this proves to be pointless as their guns and bullets have no effect on them. Literally- they have no effect on them. Evidently, the film could not afford squibs or fake blood that doesn't pour out of the neck. Then again, the townspeople are so inept that they could just be missing the whole time. While this is happening, we get another subplot with the zombie and his daughter. He shows up and she instantly trusts him when she is shown a necklace that once belonged to her mother. He later saves her from the other zombies...after bringing her to them. Wait, what?
You aren't really expecting a strong finish here, are you? The girl lures the zombies to a mill with a bucket full of fresh blood. Where that comes from is anyone's guess. Oh and the reporter dies in the midst of all this for no good reason. Once in the mill, the zombies are all burned to death as the girl cries. This is all so emotional. Except for all the killing and buck naked women, that is. The End.
As if my screen captures (hopefully a recurring feature) does not make it clear, this movie sucks. The 'lake' is obviously a badly-covered pool when you get under the water. Would it have killed you to make the lake look blue or the water look green? Here's a thought: you could have used a green filter! Considering how crappy the writing, pacing and hap-hazard make-up work is here, that is asking too much. When you get a film called Lake of the Living Dead (the translated French title), you get exactly what is coming to you: suck.
Do you like zombie films but only like them set in Egypt? I have some good news for you then. Stay tuned...
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