I should have learned to leave well-enough alone. When the first one of these films arrived as a broken disc, I should have just moved on. Instead, I added it and its sequel back to my Queue within a week and got them the next. Wow, did they end up being a lot more than I could have ever expected. Both films are from an interesting group of cinema known as Category III. Those familiar with the term will know what to expect, while others will be in the dark. Well, let's turn on the light and review the first film...
Well, where to begin? The movie takes a couple minutes to get actually get to its narrative, since it begins with a series of scenes of women having their picture taken. This is also interposed with scenes of sex- get used to that. After a long while, we finally get it all explained. The three women are models and the three men with them are in charge of the shoot. They are out in the boonies...of Japan and filming a photo shoot. Some drinking goes on that night afterward and then things take a turn for the worse. For some reason, one of the guys wants to wrestle a girl. One of them is chosen and put in a variety of wrestling holds like the Sharpshooter, which causes her a lot of pain. The man leaves after this and the men do nothing to help the girl. Instead, they each pair off with one of the others to force them to have sex with them. Wow, I even feel dirty writing this.

The horror plot works its way in as a mysterious stranger covered in mud arrives. He kills the first man in a violent fashion. The sex aspect of the film takes over for a while until another man goes outside and gets killed by the demonic person. The effects shot is intermixed with a mundane one (in this case, a man pole-vaulting)...for some reason. This is done in the later film as well and is still weird. Two of the three girls get attacked by the demon next, the latter of them seems to enjoy the experience a bit too much. She becomes possessed...I think, while the other gets her guts ripped out through her lady parts. Now the title makes sense! Okay, not really.
The big problem with this movie the obsession with sex and the desire to not really show anything dirty. Not that I want hardcore, dirty sex in a film, but it seems weird that you would show so much and yet, so little. It also suffers from the same problem as Please, Don't Eat My Mother in that it makes the sex scenes run on forever. Yes, people are having sex- we get it! Oh and they never explain the creature, why it is there or what its motives are other than to knock a Japanese model. I guess that works.
Entrails of a Beautiful Woman
Our second movie begins with a young woman being dragged into a room and raped. Wow, this movie does not make you wait. This scene goes on for a while (it's still soft-core) and feels really unnecessary. The whole thing is a pretense to have the woman injected with a weird new drug called Angel's Wings. She escapes after a lull in the gang-bang and runs to a local hospital. A nurse tries to help her, but the drug has messed with her mind. She runs to the roof and jumps off...at which point the movie shows a watermelon being dropped from a roof. You cut from a serious scene to a David Letterman gag? Wow, what a tonal shift.

The movie sets up the idea that the gang wants to eliminate any information about the drug. After two or three pointless sex scenes, they capture the woman and gang-rape her. Wow, two in one movie- that's some sort of non-porn record, I think. They inject her with the drug as well, but she seemingly dies. They dump her body, but she returns...with a twist. She has now gained the ability to turn into a weird blood monster. It also has a large phallus as well- I just thought that you should know. Her revenge is bloody, ridiculous and obnoxious. If you ever wanted to see a woman (the bad one from the gang) raped to death by a hermaphroditic monster, this is your movie. At least she dies in the end. Who wins though? Not me.
These movies are bad- real bad! They are obsessed with long, stupid scenes of sex that are always blurred out when 'naughty parts' are on-screen. I have to ask again- why show so much sex when you cannot show the whole thing? It's like censoring out the catchphrase in Die Hard 4 (yes, I'm calling it that)- you just don't do it! On top of that, the movies have nothing really going for them. The first film is just a series of people being killed, raped or both. The latter film is a rape-revenge tale that ends with every single person dying in a bloody manner. What is the point then? Should the third film (yes, there is one) ever be released on DVD, will I watch it? I sure hope not. Of course, this is me...so I probably will.

Let's step away from Japan and cover a movie from my favorite DVD company. It should be Macabro. Stay tuned...
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