I really hate The Asylum. Had I mentioned that yet? I know that I have, but it bears repeating. They suck- plain and simple. They are exploitative, stupid and a thorn in the side of any casual movie renter. Occasionally, however, they screw up bad and it's funny.
In anticipation of a big film's release, they put out one of their copycat films. However, the real film got delayed for a couple of reasons...which they did not know. As such, they released their film as a standalone thing. This brought us...

Yeah, that film has been delayed nearly as many times as
Meg. It is supposedly coming out soon, although you can rent it's ugly cousin right now. Tough call, huh?
Next up, a DVD menu that dares to be confusing as hell! Stay tuned...
lol good call there man, wouldnt it be more sad if this film ended up being the better of the two
ReplyDeleteThat would be extremely sad, yes.
ReplyDeleteTheir rip-off of "A Haunting in Connecticut" comes out next week. If any of their films could be better, it would be that one. Based on what I've heard, the standards are low!