Saturday, April 28, 2018

Rare VHS Cover Art: Tombs of the Blind Dead

This one is really hard to find even a picture of!

Back in the VHS days, companies were marketing Films in any way possible.  This led to some odd stuff like this...

Mark of the Devil did well on VHS.  You can probably guess what it is about.

This led to a number of 'Sequels' appearing on the market.  Among them...
I guess you get some points for using the literal Title of the Film- as opposed to the one I used above-, but you just lose so many more points for lying!

Was Tombs ever banned?  I can't see much record of it.  Censored and recut- yes.  Banned though?

I should also note that the Film is listed on IMDB as being released as Mark of the Devil 4 in some Regions too.  If I find a picture of that, I'll post it.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is more than likely the cover for Part 4. The roman numeral 'V' that appears here looks like it was drawn by someone in Mac Paint over the number 4.
