A Comic Book Crossover finally comes to Animation. Will a lifetime of anticipation match the final product? Let's see...
A new threat comes to Gotham- the Foot Clan! Batman rises to the challenge, but finds it not so easy to deal with.
To make his night even harder, he runs across the titular Turtles and, naturally, a fight ensues.
It's kind of the rule that Superheroes have to fight when they first meet, right?
The Foot Clan allies itself with Ra's Al Ghul as part of a master plan that, well, is a crazier version of the usual 'Destroy the City to restore it' schtick.
Can you imagine your 10-year old self seeing this pairing though? Damn!
It wouldn't be a Turtles tale without some ooze- or mutagen, if you're Batgirl- coming into play. No SPOILERS though.
Can the group unite to stop a big threat?
Even if they do, can they save the City?
Of course, they can, but you'll want to see how it all goes down. Check it out!
Everything I was hoping for (and a little more). It has Batman. It has the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It has Batgirl and Damian Wayne. It has Batman's Rogues Gallery. It has The Shredder. They manage to work in most of what you'd expect and many things you wouldn't. Again- no SPOILERS, but the 2nd Act gets pretty insane! If this does well enough, we can hope for even more, like Krang or Nightwing or Bebop & Rocksteady. As it is, the Film gives you so many great moments and fun jokes. Seeing the Turtles in the Batcave (see below) is one thing. Seeing them geek out over what's in there is something else. The Plot is nothing that is going to defy expectations, but everything delivers. You get the fights you want to see. You get the unique pairings you'd hope for. You even get a little more as each Turtle has a 'counterpart' to play off of for their own Character Arcs. Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is what it should be- fun, crazy and entertaining. It even pays homage to the history of both Characters, but especially Batman with this deep cut...
A fun Film that manages to have more than you might expect. It still skews younger than my Demographic, but leaves in enough nostalgia too.
A new threat comes to Gotham- the Foot Clan! Batman rises to the challenge, but finds it not so easy to deal with.
To make his night even harder, he runs across the titular Turtles and, naturally, a fight ensues.
It's kind of the rule that Superheroes have to fight when they first meet, right?
The Foot Clan allies itself with Ra's Al Ghul as part of a master plan that, well, is a crazier version of the usual 'Destroy the City to restore it' schtick.
Can you imagine your 10-year old self seeing this pairing though? Damn!
It wouldn't be a Turtles tale without some ooze- or mutagen, if you're Batgirl- coming into play. No SPOILERS though.
Can the group unite to stop a big threat?
Even if they do, can they save the City?
Of course, they can, but you'll want to see how it all goes down. Check it out!
Everything I was hoping for (and a little more). It has Batman. It has the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It has Batgirl and Damian Wayne. It has Batman's Rogues Gallery. It has The Shredder. They manage to work in most of what you'd expect and many things you wouldn't. Again- no SPOILERS, but the 2nd Act gets pretty insane! If this does well enough, we can hope for even more, like Krang or Nightwing or Bebop & Rocksteady. As it is, the Film gives you so many great moments and fun jokes. Seeing the Turtles in the Batcave (see below) is one thing. Seeing them geek out over what's in there is something else. The Plot is nothing that is going to defy expectations, but everything delivers. You get the fights you want to see. You get the unique pairings you'd hope for. You even get a little more as each Turtle has a 'counterpart' to play off of for their own Character Arcs. Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is what it should be- fun, crazy and entertaining. It even pays homage to the history of both Characters, but especially Batman with this deep cut...
A fun Film that manages to have more than you might expect. It still skews younger than my Demographic, but leaves in enough nostalgia too.
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