Friday, December 14, 2018

Quick Reviews: The Book of Henry (2017)

Can one Film change your Career?  In this case, yes.  After this Film's failure (commercial and critical), it's Director was pulled from a Star Wars Film!  To see why, read on...
Henry is a(n impossibly-silly) super-genius kid.  He makes inventions and all of that stuff.

From the Writer of 'Savage Moon Knight,' folks.
He lives with his Mother and Brother next door to a similarly-aged girl who is clearly in some family trouble.
Henry tries to call Child Services to help, but the Stepfather has political connections that put a stop to that.
Henry suddenly comes down with an ailment, putting a stop to his plans for now.
The problem continues, however, and the Mother takes up the slack for him.
Can she finish the job he started and save the girl?  Can I describe the Plot without SPOILing all of the worst stuff?  Yes.

To find out how the Film goes, watch the Film (if you must).
Wow, this  So there are many ways to make a bad Movie.  You can make one that is full of big ideas, a silly Plot and no Budget- Plan 9 From Outer Space.  You can make one that is full of stupid ideas, a confusing Plot and a giant Budget- any Transformers Film.  You can also make one that is full of silly ideas, a bizarre Plot and a moderate budget- this one.  Supposedly, this started out as a Dark Comedy- which I can believe.  Impossibly-super-genius kid plots the murder of a man to save a girl from abuse- that sounds like a Dark Comedy.  Just add in some health issues and melodrama and now it's...a serious Drama?  Yeah, it doesn't work that way.  This Film is just misguided from the beginning and only manages to get sillier.  While healthy, he plots 'the perfect murder.'  He's 11 years old!!!  When he can't do it himself, he gets his Mother to follow through with it.  She's an Adult!!!  I can't SPOIL how it plays out, but the Film *possibly* realizes this conundrum, but still goes through with the majority of what it set up.  It doesn't get a pass for realizing its own insanity and not fixing it!  It's just a weird, ill-conceived Film that got the drubbing that it deserved.  It also showed Trevorrow that Disney does not 'play around' when handing out Director duties.  Speaking of playing around, who actually plays games like this?
A Film that is just bizarre and full of unearned emotion.  It takes a bizarre turn that is not warranted and I can see why it didn't get much love.

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