Friday, December 13, 2019

Holiday TV: Friday the 13th- 'My Wife As A Dog'

It's that time again- when a random series of events leads to a numbered day happening on a certain weekday.  It feels so special.

Since the Film Series is still tied up in limbo, I might as well do another Episode of the TV Show...
A Fire Fighter is obsessed with his wife, who is separated from him.  During a Fire, he finds a magic dog leash (pause for laughter) and kills his friend with it (since he thinks he was sleeping with her).

When he gets away with it, he discovers a side effect...
His ailing dog gets better.

Naturally, he puts two and two together after killing the Vet who tried to put down the dog.
Willing to kill for your Dog?  Should I call PETA to give you an Award or call the Cops?
As he kills more people (drawing suspicions as he does so), changes start to happen to the Wife...
...and the Dog.  It gains her eyes and she gains its.

Freaky, no?
As the gang tries to deal with the mystery and a sub-plot involving getting the Shop up to code, he makes his big move- trying to kill the wife and complete the transformation.
They arrive too later to stop him, but he's put in jail for the other murders.  As they wonder about what happened, the wife visits him now the dog in her body.

Freaky climax, but people will see through this instantly, no?  The End.
A weird, weird story.  The basic premise is this- man uses magic rope collar to slowly turn his wife into a dog.  This is played straight too.  I feel like if you swapped the murder part out for something innocuous, it could be a Disney Film.  Our Heroes are still not *that* good at this whole investigation thing, which is kind of surprising given that this is near the end of the Series run.  You should be good at this by the 42nd case (give or take)!  The Acting is good overall and it builds nicely.  It's weird that some important things- like a death or two- happen off-camera.  The one, for instance, is an odd choice.  We see before the woman is killed and then we see the change in the dog.  Is it supposed to be a surprise then when they find the body of the dead woman?  A previous time I did one of these it was by David Cronenberg.  This time, it's nobody that notable.  I mean, it is a Film Director.  He did Cameron's Closet, numerous Shows like War of the Worlds and Tales from the Darkside, plus the first Film of...Tom Hanks?!?!
A freaky Episode where everything doesn't quite work out.  It's a strange, but nice change of pace.

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