With so many Superhero Films coming out in April, it's important to remember the forgotten ones. In this case, it's a DC Animated Film based on a popular Comic Arc from the 2000s...
In this outrageous Comic Book tale, a corrupt Businessman (Lex Luthor) gets elected President on empty promises and the fact that people ignore his past.
Funny joke- right?
He seems to do well and gets many heroes working for him- including Captain Atom and Power Girl.
Naturally, Superman is not convinced.
Things get dark as Superman is wounded and then framed for murder. Will the bromance overcome these odds?
Adding to the conflict, we have a Meteor heading towards the Earth. Oh and it's a chunk of Krypton.
Will the pair be able to save the day while also battling Heroes working for Luthor?
More importantly, will they be able to survive with all of the Villains coming for the $1 Billion Bounty on Superman?
To find out, watch the Film.
A fun, flashy and not-so-deep Film. The Story its based on is mostly-the-same. This was made at a weird time for DC Animated. Basically, they wanted to make every big story into a Cartoon for a quick buck. They were usually good, but there was almost no creativity- which is lie Bruce Timm left for a while. This Film is a good example of why all that happened. It's fun. It's vibrant. It's...just the Comic Book in Animated Form. If you didn't read that Story and are watching this as a new thing in 2019, that may not be a big deal. At the time, however, the Story was from 2003- only 6 years before this release. It's a good Story, but...aren't there plenty of older Stories to do. On top of that, they change very little. They only really tweak the Ending a bit, but otherwise do it 'shot-for-shot' and nearly word-for-word. I guess the idea was that the Venn Diagram of Comic Book Readers and Comic Book Animated Film Viewers was smaller than I thought- maybe. In any event, this is an enjoyable hour-long romp that is fun, but nothing more. On the plus side, it will introduce kids to the Host of Firing Line...
A fun, action-packed Story that is, to be fair, a little more shallow than it could be. It's a great 'popcorn flick' though, so good on ya, Movie!
In this outrageous Comic Book tale, a corrupt Businessman (Lex Luthor) gets elected President on empty promises and the fact that people ignore his past.
Funny joke- right?
He seems to do well and gets many heroes working for him- including Captain Atom and Power Girl.
Naturally, Superman is not convinced.
Things get dark as Superman is wounded and then framed for murder. Will the bromance overcome these odds?
Adding to the conflict, we have a Meteor heading towards the Earth. Oh and it's a chunk of Krypton.
Will the pair be able to save the day while also battling Heroes working for Luthor?
More importantly, will they be able to survive with all of the Villains coming for the $1 Billion Bounty on Superman?
To find out, watch the Film.
A fun, flashy and not-so-deep Film. The Story its based on is mostly-the-same. This was made at a weird time for DC Animated. Basically, they wanted to make every big story into a Cartoon for a quick buck. They were usually good, but there was almost no creativity- which is lie Bruce Timm left for a while. This Film is a good example of why all that happened. It's fun. It's vibrant. It's...just the Comic Book in Animated Form. If you didn't read that Story and are watching this as a new thing in 2019, that may not be a big deal. At the time, however, the Story was from 2003- only 6 years before this release. It's a good Story, but...aren't there plenty of older Stories to do. On top of that, they change very little. They only really tweak the Ending a bit, but otherwise do it 'shot-for-shot' and nearly word-for-word. I guess the idea was that the Venn Diagram of Comic Book Readers and Comic Book Animated Film Viewers was smaller than I thought- maybe. In any event, this is an enjoyable hour-long romp that is fun, but nothing more. On the plus side, it will introduce kids to the Host of Firing Line...
A fun, action-packed Story that is, to be fair, a little more shallow than it could be. It's a great 'popcorn flick' though, so good on ya, Movie!
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