Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Lost in Translation: Alone in the Dark (1982)

1982's Alone in the Dark is kind of in an odd place.  It is famous...but not really.

Alone in the Dark would later become the name of a Game Series and terrible pair of Movies.

It started with this Slasher Film starring some real legends though.  Let's see how Europe sold it (by way of someone sharing this on Facebook)...
It is like Jaws...but with a knife.

For the record, I don't remember a Scene like this in the Film (which is about a trio of deranged killers).  Neat though.

Here's the original...
Not that different, but we can all agree that I make everything better.

1 comment:

  1. That scene is actually in the movie, though I don't recall witch of the killers is under the bed or how it plays out.
