Wednesday, August 31, 2022

My Crazy Youth: The Time That She-Hulk Did a 'Die Hard'

 As the World consider whether or not to hate She-Hulk for, you know, existing, it's important to remember history.

For instance, the 1990s Incredible Hulk TV Show.

The Channel was not happy with the dark- also good- tone and wanted a change.
So Season 2 got rid of the 'Hulk is hunted' Story, She-Hulk is introduced and everything got lighter.

That leads us to the 5th Episode of Season 2 entitled...

The Leader- a recurring Villain who has yet to be in the MCU proper- decides to do a desperate move...

He takes over a Fashion Show (so technically she 'pulled a No Contest')

To raise money.
So, naturally, he spends a good million at least on securing the place...
One of the Models is Betty Ross, Bruce's Girlfriend and a Scientist.

Yes, she's naturally a Fitness Model in her spare time, since '90s.
Also involved in the action is She-Hulk, who makes way more sense as a Model, since...I mean, do I need to explain?

The attack works at first and Bruce is unable to Hulk out, leaving our Heroines to stop him.
They get help in the form of the only other Models, three other ladies who join them to become the Fashion Warriors (roll credits).

Naturally, these Super Models are bad-ass Fighters and/or Scientists...who still fight dressed like this.
Action ensues, as well as a B-Plot where Ogre- a lady Hulk-thing- wants to be pretty, but is ha.

Hulk himself finally plays a part in the final moments, helping save the day.

So how soon until The Fashion Warriors appear in the Show?
Wow, this is goofy as hell.  

For contrast, the 1st Season had these dark, serious Episodes where Hulk is pursued non-stop by the Military and struggling to control the 'beast within.'  He can't be around his friends or family.  He brings only pain and destruction!

Now here's Betty and She-Hulk fighting The Leader's Goons at a Fashion Show.

The whole idea is kind of fun in a dumb way, admittedly.  The Leader needs money, so he decides to spend a ton of money to get a ransom.  I know you have to 'spend money to make money,' but there's got to be a limit.  If they would have lamp-shaded this, I'd have less complaints.

Again- Betty and She-Hulk lead a team of Super Models to fight a Villain.  It's not a serious Episode.

If you needed a clear example of how the Show got changed when it became The Incredible Hulk and She-Hulk (in the style of Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters), this is it.  Also, does the human neck bend like that?

A pretty dumb Episode that is fun in a 'turn your brain off' way.  If you like the cheesy stuff, you can enjoy it.

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