Friday, July 1, 2022

New Streaming: Obi-Wan Kenobi- Episode 5

 As the Limited Series nears its end, what more do they have up their sleeves?

Let's see what kind of Jedi Mind Trick they can pull on people dealing with Star Wars Fatigue...

A siege takes place on a Planet as the Empire forces and The Path have a stand-off.

During the build-up, we see flashbacks- is Vader having them or is it Obi-Wan?- with the pair training and Kenobi explaining his Padawan's one weakness.

Keep out of that uncanny valley, guys.
Our Heroes are running out of time to find a back way out of the situation.

I love you, but you're also reminding of The Last be careful.
Reva is leading the charge and, yes, they confirm the Fan Theory about her.

Can she be reached though?
Is she really evil?
Does she have her own motives?

To find out, stream the Episode now.
Another strong Episode that nearly brings things to a close.  The Story continues to grow in scale and also get more personal.  It's easy to do one, but fail at the other.  You can make it a tale of revenge, but it falls flat.  You can make it a grand space battle, but nobody cares about anyone.

In this case, everything begins to come to a head nicely.  The Characters all end up in the right place for maximum dramatic effect- what are the odds?!?

Kenobi's journey from former-Hero to current-Hero is a nice one,  Reva, likewise, gains dimensions as you learn more about her.  She's more than just a new Big Bad.

With only one Episode left to go- no SPOILERS, Internet!-, can they stick the landing?  I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Next time, the final Episode.  It's the end, so...please don't suck.  See you then...

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