While the Show is 'over' officially, it's not done for me until I watch them all.
Let's see what Episode 4 brings us on...
Kamala and her Mother travel to Pakistan to see her Grandmother, who's been the key to everything so far involving the bangle.While there, she learns more about the real past in Pakistan and her family.
She meets her other relatives- who never moved to the U.S.- and tries to fit in in Pakistan.
She meets her other relatives- who never moved to the U.S.- and tries to fit in in Pakistan.
Of course, even doing simple things like wearing blue jeans proves to be a problem...
While exploring by herself- ditching your family is super-easy, barely and inconvenience- she runs across a mysterious young man.
While exploring by herself- ditching your family is super-easy, barely and inconvenience- she runs across a mysterious young man.
After they fight, why are they friends?!?
Danger follows her across the Globe- naturally.
Can she escape?
Will it be that simple?
Will it be that simple?
To find out, stream the Episode.
A nice Episode that changes things up quite a bit. For one thing, they're not in New Jersey anymore. Secondly, a number of characters- like her Father- are absent in this Episode.
This Episode gives you a nice taste of a Country that doesn't get alot of focus in the United States. As previously-stated, they use real history here and mix it with the fake stuff. There's a *subtle* parallel made here between India and Pakistan's Partition and the dimensional barrier. I'm sure I'm the only one that caught it- wink.
Beyond that, we get more information on the Plot, some good humor and the usual family dynamic. Adding in the Grandmother mixes things up in that dynamic too, which is fun to see.
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