As it is Shark Week, let's look at some Shark Explorers. It's one thing to swim- where else can they go though?
That brings us to 2020's Land Shark. It comes from China, who took a quick break from Human Rights Violations to make their own Asylum Film.
Just kidding- they never stopped the Human Rights Violations.
How do you get a Land Shark? You must be curious, right? Well, let's find out...
In a Cold Open, we see a man and his son fishing. They see something weird in the water.Before you can see Free Willy, the Shark leaps out over them- how big is that thing?!?- and across the land towards a City.
To find out why that happened, see the next 30 minutes of Film, since this is a Flash Forward (that we see again later).
In an Undersea Lab- with a door exit that goes right to the surface, so how deep is it?-, we learn that a Genetics Company made a Super Shark to something something Cancer cure. Holy Deep Blue Sea, Batman! (Editor's Note: Another Chinese Shark Film is just blatantly DBS- I'll cover it)
In an Undersea Lab- with a door exit that goes right to the surface, so how deep is it?-, we learn that a Genetics Company made a Super Shark to something something Cancer cure. Holy Deep Blue Sea, Batman! (Editor's Note: Another Chinese Shark Film is just blatantly DBS- I'll cover it)
Within minutes of saying that they have it under control, it breaks the glass and attacks.
In lieu of Screenshots of that (since I saw this on Tubi), here's another Land Shark.
They make it to Land when they are surprised to find out that the Shark can go on it. They didn't see the Title Card.
They make it to Land when they are surprised to find out that the Shark can go on it. They didn't see the Title Card.
This section is all around putting a kid in peril, but she never gets eaten. Cowards.
All kidding aside, they mixed Shark DNA with Earthworm DNA.
No, really.
The thing is forced to flee into the Water, where get a nice Exposition Break. I pretty much covered the key points.
No, really.
The thing is forced to flee into the Water, where get a nice Exposition Break. I pretty much covered the key points.
They track it down in the water, only it is still mutating and is now WAY BIGGER.
Many of these Films have size-changing creatures- see Grizzly or Yeti- but this one actually puts it into the Plot!
Now it attacks the City, as per the Poster (which is still partly a lie).
So now there's a Giant Land Shark (which I guess it too much for one Title) and it's going crazy.
So now there's a Giant Land Shark (which I guess it too much for one Title) and it's going crazy.
Can our Heroes stop it?
Does it have a weakness at all?
Does it have a weakness at all?
To find out, watch the Film and enjoy this weirdly-red Poster.
A big old, silly mess of a Film. It clearly wants to look and feel like a big, Hollywood Blockbuster. Hell, they have a guy who's a 'This Creature Hunter' who's strong, charismatic and wears a leather vest. I guess it's fair to 'culturally-appropriate' Chris Pratt from Jurassic World if he's going to play Mario.
A big old, silly mess of a Film. It clearly wants to look and feel like a big, Hollywood Blockbuster. Hell, they have a guy who's a 'This Creature Hunter' who's strong, charismatic and wears a leather vest. I guess it's fair to 'culturally-appropriate' Chris Pratt from Jurassic World if he's going to play Mario.
The Pacing is interesting here as we jump right to 'Here's our super Shark' and 'It's attacking us' happens within minutes. The Film is no mood to wait! It thankfully takes breaks to change Set Pieces, which is nice.
The whole thing is just a *touch* above a Syfy Channel Film as it is shot well. Granted- the CGI ranges from passable- done in super-quick shots to hide it- to pretty cheap. I mean, you saw that one with the Shark going 'up the road.' They almost over-sharpened the Model a bit for me. I get that it's supposed to look unreal and mutated, but I genuinely feel like you could cut yourself on those jagged edges.
If you can go 'Ha- it's a Land Shark,' you can enjoy this one. It's played 100% straight, outside of the Comic Relief Guy (picture Chinese Ralphie May). It's pretty damn cliché, which can make it fun or boring for you.
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