Sunday, November 8, 2020

Lost in Translation: Deep Shock (2003)

 A bit of Behind the Scenes info for you at the start.

When I Stream a Film from someplace like Tubi, I don't stop and Screencap it.
I later use Google to get the best images I can.

That's how I found stuff like this...

Deep Shock is an American Film about killer Electric Eels (that are actually Aliens).
While the original Poster lies with scale, this Russian one is more accurate...and less.


I can accept the cool-but-fake-looking one from the US Poster/Box Art.

This one looks like they couldn't/wouldn't use the Art Assets and just took a real Eel and stretched that image to fit!

I found a second version of this one (with more crap around the edges).
I just had to verify that this was a real thing!

Yep- it's real.

It's real and it is fantastic!
Thank you, Seinfeld.

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