To prepare myself for the Oscar-Winning Film, I needed something a bit...less awarded. It has the same Title though, so it counts...
The Plot involves a group of 'Eco-Terrorists,' an evil Oil Company Executive, some workers and a vague Sci-Fi substance.It's all very 'meh,' so here's a cool Poster for the Film instead of a Screen Cap.
Eventually, the groups start to be picked off by the title creatures.
Eventually, the groups start to be picked off by the title creatures.
In this case, they are mutated Eels that kill and infect humans.
The other Parasite (from 1982) also has a mutated worm-like thing. Will the 2019 Film complete the hat trick?
There's no real surprises here.
There's no real surprises here.
No bit twists.
There's only a little bit of nudity to distract you.
Instead of a Screen Cap of a lame CGI Monster, here's the British Poster (with a cooler, more misleading Title)...
Parasite is...okay. It doesn't do much to really impress. The CGI is pretty lame at worst and alright at best. The Plot is pretty by the numbers. Oil guys are bad, Eco Terrorists are good and CGI Eels are worse. The Characters aren't memorable. The Setting is alright, but, as I covered before, Oil Rigs are surprisingly-prevalent in Horror/Sci-Fi. If you want to stand out, you need to do something interesting.
Parasite is...okay. It doesn't do much to really impress. The CGI is pretty lame at worst and alright at best. The Plot is pretty by the numbers. Oil guys are bad, Eco Terrorists are good and CGI Eels are worse. The Characters aren't memorable. The Setting is alright, but, as I covered before, Oil Rigs are surprisingly-prevalent in Horror/Sci-Fi. If you want to stand out, you need to do something interesting.
CGI Eels aren't that interesting.
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