Wednesday, March 25, 2020

8 Crazy Gems Hidden on Disney +

While I'm not one of the people living in isolation (semi or otherwise) during this Pandemic, I am someone who watches alot of Media.

I figure I might as well take my obsessive behavior and spin it into a positive for you.

If you've read all of your Magazines and streamed all of the obvious stuff, here's some things you might not be aware of on the Mouse House's Netflix-killer...

Honorable Mentions: Forgotten Comic Book Story Arc Adaptations like 'Armor Wars' and 'The Phalanx Saga,' The odd Avengers Show where they all had Battle Armor and the trippy Silver Surfer Cartoon.

8. All of Spider-Man Unlimited: This '90s curiosity is a bit overlooked these days.

Following in the foot steps of the classic '90s Spider-Man Cartoon, this one changes everything about the character and surroundings.  It's...odd.

Basically, Spider-Man ends up on another Planet, joins a resistance movement and battles the Symbiotes in a neat-looking, but ultimately unimportant adventure.

7. Spider-Man Leads His Amazing Friends to Battle Modred and Demons: This Show has produced many curious gems, including a battle with Dracula, a Most Dangerous Game and a killer Bee-Man.

In this odd aside, the trio of Spidey, Iceman and Firestar battle Modred (not Mordred, I guess) as he tries to break out of his inter-dimensional prison.  Aiding them is The Black Knight (and his ugly, yellow helmet)- only this one is not accurate to the Comics.

Instead, he's a literally-time-displaced Arthurian Knight who is constantly called- no joke- 'Blackie' by our Heroes.  Seriously.

6. She-Hulk Leads the Super Model Avengers: If you ever wanted to see the drastic tonal change in the UPN Hulk Cartoon, look no further.

In this odd Episode, She-Hulk and Betty (who is built like a super heroine now!) are trapped in a Die Hard, But... situation at a Fashion Show.  With the Hulk indisposed, the duo lead a team of Supermodels- each of whom have some sort of skill like Hacking, Karate, etc.

Throw in constant jokes about The Leader being poor- since he clearly spent MILLIONS on this operation- and you've got a silly Episode that is nothing like how the Show started.

5. The X-Men Take a Backseat to Charles Darwin: Ah, Season 5- you're so weird.

X-Men's final Season is an odd one, since the Animation Studio behind it went bankrupt and in-house Animators took over.  On top of that, some weird asides took place...

Three Episodes away from the end of the Series entirely, we get a whole Episode that is the backstory to Mr. Sinister, alongside Charles Darwin and an ancestor of Xavier.  Sure- why not?!?

4. Spider-Man + Kingpin + Captain America = Electro?!?: The oddest 6 Episodes I can think of as a group.

This Epic Story involves the Kingpin trying to uncover a Nazi Doomsday Weapon and...can we stop right there?  No?  Dammit.

The Story also involves WWII Heroes returning to glory, the Red Skull and Captain America returning from another Dimension (long story), the Insidious Six (since Sinister didn't pass S&P), Spider-Man getting his ass kicked twice per Episode and the debut of...Electro.

Yeah, his Debut was delayed due to James Cameron's failed Spider-Man Film.  Ugh.

3. The Mighty Ducks Battle...Mondo-Man?!?: This may still be a 'My Crazy Youth' in the future- maybe.

So, as a reminder, this Disney Cartoon was about the titular Ducks as actual Alien Duck People on Earth fighting Alien Lizard People.  You know- the usual.

So with that in mind, this one is still crazy.  The bad guys use a device they just happen to have to give a Comic Book-loving geek into Mondo-Man!  He battles the Ducks while tricked by said Aliens in disguise.  It's actually oddly similar to what Megamind does in his Film...

2. A Cap Wolverine Double-Whammy: Two old Soldiers for the price of one.

A very famous Story came out of the '90s that put Wolverine and Captain America together in a 'forgotten' adventure back in the '40s.  That has clearly inspired many Writers since, including the people behind X-Men: The Animated Series (who did one in Season 5) and X-Men: Evolution (who did one in Season 3).

1. The Craziest and Weirdest Paced 'Gargoyles' Trilogy Ever: I love Gargoyles, but it could get pretentious as hell in its best and worst times.

Avalon was a 3-Part Episode which took our Heroes (well, some of them) back to, well, Avalon.  It did so very slowly though...

After the 1st Episode's introductions, we get AN EPISODE LONG FLASHBACK explaining where Side-Characters went after the events of the Pilot Episodes.  Once they were at Avalon, we meet the villain- The Arch-Mage.

To see how he got in this position (he was thought dead), we get AN EPISODE LONG FLASHBACK showing how he created a giant time loop to give himself two artifacts and put things in place.

After that, we get 2 Episodes worth of combat, character introductions and story to wrap it up.  Where did the time go?!?

There are so many more things to discover.  Hell, I just discovered an Anime-looking Avengers Show, so I'll be busy!

Leave a comment and share your discoveries...

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