Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Lost in Translation?: Blacula (Again)

I had more than one of these, so I might as well use both.

After all, there are two Blacula Films, so...

This time, the Poster comes to us from France (or at least a French-speaking region)…

This one features an admittedly-odd framing with him in the middle surrounded by random shapes.
I also can't see the 'odd shape of color and silhouette' effect without thinking of Saved by the Bell!

I appreciate how much Blacula doing his version of Jazz Hands is featured too.

Here's the original...
As you can see, it is a bit washed out and features the tell-tale signs of being a scan of someone's poster (the crease and holes from displaying it).  I liked to think that I brought it back to life...or death, I guess in this case.

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