Sunday, March 10, 2019

Immediate Response: Captain Marvel (2019)

As I'm a Marvel fan and want to be able to look at the Internet for 4 minutes without SPOILERS, I saw this one tonight.  Here we go...
The Good
- An interesting Story told in order, but with truths being revealed slowly throughout that make you rethink everything.
- The Acting is great, everyone getting an Arc and managing to be both funny and serious when necessary.
- Great Visuals, Writing, Production and Humor.
- The Soundtrack has enough '90s Classics on it without feeling forced.  It's great.
- Blockbuster and Radio Shack- nice!

The Bad
- Blockbuster and Radio Shark are gone now.  Don't let me down, Bend, Oregon!

Honestly, I don't have any real complaints.  I liked everything about the Film.

Can it be too 'on-the-nose?'  Maybe.  I didn't mind.

Go see it and make sure to Review it properly.  Stick it to the idiots AND support a damn good Film!

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