Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bob's Birthday Review: Dimension High School- Episodes 1-5

Another year and another Review for Bob's Birthday.  On the plus side, there's no Mabel.

On the negative side, it's a stupid 'Anime.'
The Plot: a magic rock appears to some Students.

Right off the bat, there are two issues:
1) This is 70% Live Action and 30% CG Motion Capture.  It's not Anime.
2) This Rock...all of it.
'It' appears before 4 Students and their Teacher with a grand prophecy- they must save it's world!  How?
By 'battling' a Sphinx (which lazily merges into the wall texture) and making them answer riddles.

Yep, that's the Show!
The 'riddles' are all strange and confusing puzzles...that only work if you speak Japanese and know how the wording works.

Even if this was good, it doesn't translate.
Can the group survive to save this vague 2-D world?  Will they realize that using 3-D Models to represent a 2-D world is weird?

I only watched the first 5 (of 11 so far) Episodes.  It's on Crunchyroll, so go for it (you crazy bastards).
What a strange and dumb Show.  As I mentioned, it's not really Anime.  The 'animated' parts are motion-capture, so there's no 'drawing' involved.  Said 'animation' is not that good.  It's all sorts of stutter and unimpressive.  The majority of it is Live-Action.  This part is...alright, but nothing special.  The Acting ranges from understated to over-the-top.  Nobody is especially-impressive.  This is a Comedy Show (kind of), so I gave it some leeway.  You have to be pretty forgiving and really generous to get into this Plot.  One of them is overly-friendly to another one, while a different guy is stuck up and snooty.  Will they get along?  Will I care?  The Story is just a loose excuse to get them from Sphinx section to another.  Speaking of the Sphinx, they introduce and 'kill' one in the first few Episodes.  How does the Show continue?  Another one just appears.  Lame.  I was going to do Episode 6- to make it to feature-length.  I read up on the Episode and learned that it was complete filler and- SPOILER ALERT- a dream sequence.  I skipped it.  This 'Anime' is not good enough to be fun, nor is it bad enough to be funny.  It's me out, Screenshot.
Another year of bad Anime.  How come he almost always gets the good ones?!?

Happy Birthday and know that vengeance shall come in July!

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