Thursday, October 8, 2020

My Crazy Youth: That Time That Spider-WOMAN Fought Dracula, The Wolfman and Frankenstein's Monster!

 After The Centurions, The Defenders of the Earth AND Spider-Man fought Dracula, I still have more to cover.  This one actually came before them all, so she has dibs.  

Spider-Woman was created, well, out of spite and a little bit of fear.  Filmation was going to make a Spider-Woman Cartoon and Marvel got wind of it, so quickly got this out first.  That's why nobody remembers Filmation's Web Woman now. 

 Thanks to Disney Plus, I've gotten to check out this Show- which was before my time- and enjoy the insanity of it.  

To fit in with the Horror Theme of October, let's start with this face-off.  In this Episode, Jessica/Spider-Woman must stop the Count.  It gets...crazy.  To find out how weird this Cartoon you *likely* didn't know existed gets, read on...

In typical fashion, some guys open Dracula's Crypt to rob it and he wakes up.

Dig that sweet goatee!

Oh and he's getting 'Revenge' on Mankind as a whole, just FYI.
So here's the first big thing...

This is a Cartoon for Kids. 
As such, he can't bite people and drain their blood.

The solution- he shoots green 'turn you into Vampires' lasers!
He awakens the Wolfman, who can also shoot lasers!

His lasers are red, so...different.
Also every Werewolf can do this- even ones like Jessica's Nephew.
I have no questions or notes.

As we end Act 2, Dracula also awakens Frankenstein's Monster and they plan to, of course, conquer the World.

Well, that doesn't last long as Spider-Woman overcomes being a Werewolf (making her half-human, one-quarter-werewolf and one-quarter-spider, I guess) and IMMEDIATELY makes a machine that drains The Monster's powers.
She stops the Wolfman and company making a dark cloud that blocks the Moon.

I guess they need CONSTANT FULL MOON EXPOSURE to be Werewolves then?
The first Monster is the last Monster as she faces off with Dracula once again in the climax.

To note: Dracula has Werewolves with him, as noted by the red lasers.
Remembering the obvious trick of using light earlier, our Heroine flies at the windmill and shoots it, causing the thing to light up like the sun and un-vampire the people.

As for Dracula, he flies away and goes back in his Crypt.  
I guess he won't come back tomorrow night?  The End.

A silly, hilarious mess of an Episode.  For a character like Dracula to show up on a Superhero Show is already weird enough.  When I think 'fun Superhero Adventure,' I think 'blood-sucking Vampire!'  Mind you, there would be more Episodes like this on the aforementioned Shows in the future, so what do I know? 

 Dracula's scheme isn't very complicated- turn everyone into a Monster and win.  It's funny how Spider-Woman shows up INSTANTLY the first time he appears- lazy writing for the win.  Later on, she pretends to be scared during a Movie to fight him again.  Later, we get a funny bit where her (I think) Boyfriend and Nephew decide to leave her behind to check out Dracula's Crypt, since it would be too dangerous for a female.  

There's also some odd bits of choppy Voice Acting/Animation, which may be an issue of the transfer to digital- maybe.  

I just can't get past how much of the Show involves monsters shooting lasers.  I didn't even mention how Frankenstein's Monster also shoots lasers (from his neck bolts, of course)!  The Show is not long enough to do the story justice, so it has to power past stuff like Jessica making an anti-werewolf potion in seconds and then making a device to depower Frankenstein's Monster with no explanation in the next Scene.  

This whole Show is a weird little gem of insanity and you need to check it out in the crevices of Disney's Streaming Service.  I feel like I should mention that this is a Kid's Show again before I share with you a shot of Spider-Woman flying past the camera that I'm pretty sure wouldn't make a Kid's Show in 2020...

Seriously, this is a bizarre and goofy cartoon.  I love uncovering crazy stuff like this!

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