Monday, October 26, 2020

4,300th Post Celebration!: Fiction vs. Fiction- World War Z

 As I've hit another number milestone, I might as well put together another Banner!

For this anniversary, we return to a Series that I should do more of- Fiction vs. Fiction!

This time, I finally get around to comparing a Book I've meant to talk about for a while.
With this being October, it seems as good a time as any.

One is a popular Book.
The other is a Film that...well, exists and may get a Sequel...maybe...who knows.

Let's flip some Pages/DVD Menus and see what we've got!

What's the Same?

They attack everywhere.
People fight them.

That's about it!

What's the Different?

Where to begin?

The Film tells the focused tale of a man- Brad Pitt- who goes around the World trying to find out why Zombies be attacking yo.

Since it is a Film, he always goes right when something bad is about to happen.

Brad Pitt is not in the Book.
In fact, the way the Story is told is not even close to the Book.

In it, we hear from dozens of people who fought/escaped the Zombie Uprising, War and Resettlement.

Yep, it all happened in the past and is retold by Survivors.
Slight difference!

There's also nothing like *most* of the big Set Pieces in the Film either.

The Book does have many Action Scenes in it and you get some great scares as well.
It is just told in the *Past Tense,* that's all.

Across the Stories, we get to hear about single people surviving alone, big military battles and everything in-between.

Final Thoughts:

The Book is really nothing like the Film, other than the fact that they both involve a world-wide Zombie Apocalypse.

In fact, there's a running Theme throughout it that the 'Heroes' of the War aren't really what they are cracked up to be OR their stories are fake.

The Film is all about one Hero solving everything.
It would almost help if the Film was like one of the fictional Films made about the War that are mentioned in the Book a few times.

It's not.

If you like the Film, that's cool.  It's not World War Z though.
Same for the Game (that suddenly appeared 6 years later).

The Book would make a GREAT TV Show for HBO Max or Hulu or (if they're desperate) Apple TV.
Make the Show already!

I should also note that this Book spun off from another one, but that didn't get a Film (yet).

They aren't alike.  Like one or the other- big whoop.

As for me, I pick the Book.

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