Nobody wanted Hell Fest- I guess it just wasn't happy enough! This is 1992's Happy Hell Night, a Film that kind of exists in a super-awkward time. Slasher Films are on the down swing. Given that we've gone from
Prom Night to
Prom Night 4, is that really a surprise? This is about 3 Years before
Scream (the Wes Craven one that is). Put yourself back in this Grunge-discovering, flannel-wearing time, won't you? You are one year removed from
Freddy's Dead and one year away from
Jason Goes to Hell. Aside from
Candyman, the pickings for quality stuff is pretty slim.
Children of the Corn II, anyone? Even then, look at what was happening. Candyman is pure supernatural in his powers, Freddy is given Demons and Jason is about to become an evil worm that mutates *some people* into his own body. Crazed killers with knifes, hands or knife hands are out; Magic is in! That brings me back around to this Film (finally, right?) with a Villain who is...a Priest possessed by evil during a College Hazing Prank? That was a sentence I just wrote. The Plot is all kinds of silly and sleazy, but kudos for taking it seriously...I guess. The Film has some notable Casting, but should definitely be remembered for its insanity. Just as an example- a Priest prays for the power to stop the evil and his Statue of Jesus on the Cross turns into a guy wearing somewhat-convincing make-up who writhes and then the Statue (or part of it) smashes on the ground. I didn't have room to even cover that insanity in the main Review, so you know that this is going to be something. To see what happy hell I bring, read on...

In 1991 (yes, this is a 1992 Film), we see people in a Sanitarium checking on a Patient that has been comatose for the last 25 Years.
We then get a Flashback to that, which involves a scared Priest, a sad Teen (more on him later) and this obvious Killer.
Now back in 1991, it is just before Hell Night. The Houses have to pull the best pranks to get points to
This guy on the left tells them about the killing we see hinted at earlier and tells them to take a photo with the killer. What could go wrong?!?
Oh right- he gets out.
His first victim- a 38-year old-looking College Freshman (who only has this on his Resume).
While he kills people and makes quips based around 'No ____,' let me highlight the Casting.
Jorja Fox (from
CSI) is this girl who won't have sex without protection. She's killed for 'No Parking.'
In the bits of Flashback we get, Sam Rockwell plays the young Version of our Leads' Dad.
On the plus side, he gets credit for doing 'Seagal Lighting' first. Suck it, Russian Turncoat!
Lastly, Darren McGavin (!!!) plays the present day Dad. He shows up (after only 1 Scene) to explain what happened...
In 1966, his Frat Bros did a Ritual on Hell Night that got a Priest possessed. He killed all of them, but him and he says that the killer is after 'him and his blood.' Why it waited 25 years is anyone's guess.
They have to do some ritual to stop the creature. Can the evil be returned to Hell?
Well, yes- but someone will have to make a sacrifice. Good luck explaining this to the Cops. The End.
It starts out normal and gets really, really weird. Okay- it also started a little weird. The whole structure of the Introduction is just odd. Why not just start with the Flashback and then go to the Sanitarium? I get it- you want a strong intro. I think Sam Rockwell walking in with a bloody Cross and the Police finding some bodies is a strong one. I know that it is WAY too late to Edit the Film, but I would seriously just swap it all around and then run the Credits in the Sanitarium. Going from the Present (of 1991) to 1966 and then back again is just pointlessly-confusing. Once they get to the Plot, it feels pretty generic. Hell, I've seen Killer Priest on Campus- it's
Prom Night IV! They give the Character a much darker, deeper origin that makes it all sorts of different though. Before Michael Meyers was retconned into the Cult of Thorn, this guy was a vessel of pure evil killing teens. The whole thing is just plain bizarre when you break it down. For Hell Night in 1966, the Frat accidentally cast a magic spell that turned a Priest into an Avatar of Evil. After having one target left alive, it...just waited for someone to open the door for it. As luck would have it, they would lead him to the Frat AND said target (McGavin) would also show up. Even if you accept that the cross kept him dormant, was it never moved even once? Hell, I could have accepted 'Greedy Guard steals cross (since it is Silver) and the guy gets out' more than 'Teens Open Cell Door in Asylum to take 'selfie' with killer on what just happens to be the same Night 25 years later.' I'm over-analyzing again- I know.
Happy Hell Night is a fun enough Slasher that exists in this weird void between Slasher Peak and Slasher Revival. For that alone, it is interesting. The fact that it is about a Demon Priest with an 'axe' is just a bonus. Speaking of which, you have to love the subtle way they introduce it early on (with the Sheriff asking what it is)...
Next time, an often-overlooked '80s Sci-Fi Film. Is this the
Weird Science-style Film that you don't remember? Stay tuned...