Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tubi Thursday: Doctor of Doom (1963)

 The Internet is abuzz with talk about this Film from ComicCon this year.

I might as well exploit it...

A mad Doctor is kidnapping women, taking their brains and trying to transplant them into a new body.

The brains keep proving not strong enough.
The Film spends about 10 minutes establishing this woman.

I guess Rene Cardona saw Psycho, because the lady is suddenly killed by the bad Doctor!
Her Sister is a Wrestler and she works with the Cops and the Scientist Friend.

Meanwhile, the Cops find out who the Doctor is.
They've questioned every Medical Doctor.  Well, they're out of ideas now!
The Doctor has a big staff, including a bunch of Henchmen, a mutated man AND he even made bulletproof armor for the guy.

Can he get what he wants?
He decides that he needs a stronger woman for the experiment.

Could he go for the lady Wrestlers maybe?

What an idea!
His plan pivots a bit when he's burned by random acid in his lab trying to kidnap her.

His Plan B involves taking a *different* lady Wrestler to make his creation- Vendetta.

Naturally, this all culminates in the 2nd prolonged Wrestling Match.
The End.
A bit of Movie queso.  It doesn't try to be a complex Film.

The Film is about a Doctor trying to steal brains from lady Wrestlers, but he also made an Ape Man.
This is not Citizen Kane.

This one was by Rene Cardona (the 1st)- part of a legacy trio of Directors of Genre Films.  The Tubi Version is also dubbed, which makes it extra cheesy.

Obviously, the strengths and weaknesses of these Lucha Films are present here.  The Wrestling filler is very dated.  If you like watching snapmares, you're in luck!

I'm not sure why anyone cast Robert Downey Jr as this guy all of a sudden, but oh well.
I look forward to the Film as long as the Poster is this great in 2026.

A fun Film for fans of the Genre.  There's not much variety here, but you can still have a good laugh.

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