Saturday, October 29, 2022

Holiday Flix: Mad Monster Party? (1967)

 I feel a little bit bad that my initial viewing coincided with the death of its Director.  I know it had no effect on anything, but it still feels...weird.  In less eerie talk, this is Mad Monster Party?, a 1967 Film by the Rankin-Bass duo.  They did alot for Christmas, but what about Halloween?

Built on the success of  the hit song 'The Monster Mash,' they got Karloff- who was impersonated for the song- for this picture.  He plays Dr. Frankenstein- a Role he played in the 1950s for a Film set in 1970- and he has an Heir to take over his job.  Will his Monster minions accept it?

The Film has all of the feel of their earlier work, just with a Horror twist.  Is it enough or is it super-dated silliness?  To find out, read on...

Dr. Frankenstein is in charge of the World Monster Council.  It must be fun.

He plans to retire- to Florida?- and calls all of the big-time Monsters to a Party(?).
In America, his clumsy, allergy-ridden Nephew is given an invite and leaves for the Island.

I'd leave if this Mr. Sprocket was my boss too.
At the Castle, The Monster and his Mate celebrate with a song.  His Mate is Phyllis Diller, which checks out.

I just watch his Mate (of like 2 minutes) played by the Author of his Story, so f@#k it.
In a B-Plot, Not Peter Lorre is in love with Frankenstein's Assistant.

Well, it gets it to 95 minutes (with Credits).
He tells the group- which includes Dracula, The Mummy, Not The Creature From the Black Lagoon, a Werewolf and The Hunchback of Notre Dame- that he will retire.

This leads to some of them conspiring to kill his Nephew.
Their plans all fail due to schtick.  Hilarity ensues.

Things take an odd turn when the plan gets more complicated with, well, every monster turning on the Doctor and wanting to kill the Assistant too.
Our Hero- who disappeared for a while- stands up for her and saves her twice, albeit by accident.

Before they can kidnap her, she calls It, a creature they have teased the whole Film.  What is It?
It is King Kong.  
Oh, that's why they had plane earlier, ha.

In the odd finale, all of the Monsters are in one of It's hands and the Doctor is in the other.  Said Doctor uses his anti-life liquid to just blow them all up in a mushroom cloud.

Far away, the young lovers learn the truth about each other- they are both Robots.  The (dark) End.
A weird, trippy little Film.  Rankin-Bass have a certain charm to their work and it is prevalent here.  No question- they made Classic Films.

Is this as good?  No.

While enjoyable, the Film is a bit uneven and unfocused.  Our Hero, for instance, is absent for long stretches of time.  Other Characters- like The Monster's Mate- take over with their Musical Numbers and banter.  Is there too much Phyllis Diller?  Maybe.

I did like the Film.  The problem is just that it is so silly and all over the place.  If it was more focused, it would be truly great.  

As it is, it is so-so Rankin-Bass Film.  You could do worse.  Now I couldn't decide which Dated Reference to close out with, so here's both...
***A 1960s Batman joke OR a Parody of 'Some Like It Hot' at the Ending***

A fun, flawed Film for your Halloween Party- be it a big one or a one-person one.  Just know that it is not quite the Classic that the Christmas stuff is.

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