Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Quick Review: The City of Lost Children (1995)

 As the French say, 'Il est temps que je regarde ça.'  They also eat snails in butter, so they have no room to complain to me.  Let's see how this Cult Classic turned out...

On a seemingly-abandoned Oil Platform, a crazy Scientist is trying to solve his problem- he can't dream.

His solution- try to steal them from Children.

I want to know if that was his *first* idea or if there was somehow worse ones he crossed off his list first.
He sends his not-so subtle henchman to keep getting more Children from the nearby (and titular) City.

What kid wouldn't love these guys?
An especially-crafty girl gets caught in the middle as one boy is kidnapped by the henchman.  He happens to be the Little Brother of...
Ron Perlman?!?

Between this and Cronos, the guy loved to do '90s Films where he didn't speak the Language in.
Can the pair overcome the odds to rescue the kid?  Will the Scientist and his 'family' find the solution they are looking for?  How will Santa Claus play a part in this?

To find out, watch the Film.  It's free to stream on Amazon and Tubi, so get on it!
A weird, but slow Film.  For starters, the Film looks really good.  It has a very odd color palette and this was done before everyone just starting color-correcting everything with pre-made software.  Thanks again for that, Coen Brothers!  Evidently, the odd look was achieved by a soft version of color-correction and making up the Actors pale as possible.  Once you make them look 'normal' again, the whole thing  There's lots of weird other things to see here as well.  You see lots of strange outfits, accessories and uses of gadgets.  According to Reddit, some of the Sets still exist (or at least did 6 years ago), so you can see it in a normal light for comparison.  The Plot is bonkers, but also not in a hurry.  Key Scenes play out in what feels like real time.  In many cases, it works to highlight the absurdity (like the kids' 5-part plan to get a key from behind a locked door).  In other cases, it is just Directorial excess.  There's also some weird, early-90s CGI courtesy of the future Catwoman Director-  Pitof.  Thankfully, none of the visuals are as bad as the original suit for the Alien Hybrid from Alien Resurrection (by the same Directors) apparently was!  Given the slow pace and strange feel, the Film is certainly not for everyone.  If you're a weirdo like me, don't wait any longer and just see it already.  When you're done, you can play the Playstation Version...

A slow burn of a Film, but it is always pretty.  Even if you don't quite get into the weird, esoteric nature of the whole thing, it sure is unique and crazy.

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