Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Quick Review: Midsommar (2019)

Alright, I finally get to see the Film that traumatized my Dad back in 2019.  No joke- that happened.  Will I be as disturbed?
A woman goes through some traumatic events (no SPOILERS as to what) and needs some comfort.

Her barely-there boyfriend ends up inviting her on their trip to Sweden.
They end up deep in the Woods with what is obviously a Cult celebrating the Midsummer Festival.
The group is full of interesting customs and feel like they are right of a Jodorowsky Film.

They are probably (definitely) evil, but you have to admire their style.
Can you trust people that won't let you leave, keep giving you LSD and carry big mallets?
As things start to get real (weird), will they finally figure out that they need to get the hell out of there?!?
Is anyone going to survive?  Will you ever feel safe going to Sweden?

To find out, watch the Film.  It's on Streaming, including with Amazon Prime (as I saw it).
A dark, but beautiful Film.  There are two key aspects of the Film to discuss.  First- the visuals.  The Movie looks beautiful.  If it didn't have all of the blood, death and murder, it would be a lovely travelogue for Sweden.  I really want to go now- I just don't want to be alone with any of the people there.  It's a complex emotional balance for sure.  I hope the Cinematographer and Director of Photography get lots of work based on what I saw here.  The other aspect- the dark as hell Plot.  Is it similar to The Wicker Man?  Yes.  It is the same Film?  No.  It has alot of stuff that is exclusive to itself too.  The Film works on its own, which is obviously quite nice.  The Acting is strong.  The Pacing is consistent.  The Film, as noted, looks amazing.  I know it is easy to just go 'It is just The Wicker Man.'  If you want a Film that is *actually* that, it would be this Film and not Midsommar...
A bleak, but gorgeous Film.  If you can stand the big scares and dark story, it is a winner.

1 comment:

  1. After watching it and letting it sink in... I ultimately found it irritating. I didn't like or care about any of the characters... and their reactions to events didn't seem plausible (vs. the other couple who seemed to be in the more mainstream version of the film). Maybe it was the drugs?
