Monday, September 30, 2024

Leave Me Stallone: Demolition Man (1993)

 Having no power for 4 days sucked.
Is this Film better?

Today's Film is Demolition Man, my final Stallone Film.  I know he's made plenty more, but I need a break.

The Film is set in an Alternate Timeline and mostly takes place in the deep, dark future of...2032.  It's all fantasy, after all, since it had Los Angeles on fire in 1996.

Say what now?

This one comes to us from Marco Brambilla, who made such 'classics' as Excess Baggage and...a bunch of VR-Art Pieces?  Alright then.  The Writers were behind such Films as The Crow: City of Angels, Universal Soldier 2 and 3, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane and Hudson Hawk.

Expectations set to low.

Let's f***ing (Penalty!) do this s**t (Penalty!) ...

3 years in the future from this Film's release, Los Angeles is full of crime, fire and destruction.

Only one man can save it.

Oh, I mean, John Spartan (Stallone).
He takes down and takes in Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes)...but all is not right.
Phoenix frames him for the accidental murder of the hostages and he's immediately thrown in cryo-prison.

Well, I guess we didn't really need to know the Character before he became a popsicle!
He's unfrozen in 2032 after Phoenix is unfrozen for a parole assessment and escapes thanks to some strange business.

Somehow one of Stallone's former Cops (Bill Cobbs) is still around...not that we met him earlier.

He's confused by so many things in this future, but mostly...
As it turns out, the Architect of the Utopia- a man named Cocteau- let Phoenix free.


He's evil, but also wants him to unravel society- in a single City, mind you- to let him take more power.

They outright steal the 'Can't harm his boss' thing from Robocop to boot.
He saves the bad guy- not Phoenix, to be clear- and is treated to the Film's biggest sponsor- Taco Bell.  Yo quiero dineros!

He learns that the bright, clean San Angeles (why not Los?) hides a city full of power and forgotten people (ostensibly led by Denis Leary- who uses an excuse to do some 1990's Leary Stand-Up Material)
Poor Stallone wants to hook up with his Partner- Sandra Bullock- but she will only have 'VR Sex' with him.

Many pieces of media are predictive, but pray that this one isn't...or else we're in for a rough 8 years!
Stallone makes peace with Leary, who is now targeted by Cocteau and thus his proxy Phoenix.

Along the way, we see...Jack Black?!?
After saving Leary, Stallone sees that Bullock can fight- since she studied Jackie Chan Films- so, naturally, he stuns her and does the final battle by himself.

He takes out the minions- including Jesse Ventura!- and battles Phoenix as he tries to thaw out all of the bad Prisoners.

In the End, he freezes him solid and kicks his frozen head of.

He's now changed society...somehow...because masculinity.  The End.
A Film that is very much 'of its time.'  For many people, that's a positive.  For others, it is a pretty big con.

For me, a Film that can age well is great.  Films like They Live, as an example, have relevant ideas and themes that extend past their decade of release.

This Film is very '90s.

In many ways, it is another attempt by Stallone to push his agenda not unlike Cobra was.  In both Films, HIS way is the right way and everyone needs to learn it.  This one is done with more humor- some that works, some that doesn't- but the point is still the same.

Somehow one Cop who was famous for blowing up buildings to stop bad guys is the architect of the future?  The future is boned!

In spite of the obvious issues, the Film has some fun moments, some amusing ideas and is far from the worst Stallone Film- even just from my group this Month- out there.

As a bonus, I slowed the 'VR Sex bit' (which is just random face shots with lighting) WAYYY down to get some shots.  One is good and not.
You decide.
Next up, we begin October with a long overdue look at some Horror Remakes.  Shall we go to Texas or the Desert?  Stay tuned...

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