Monday, March 10, 2025

Streaming Standard: Daredevil- Born Again (Episodes 1 and 2)

 Well, another two Episode premiere to cover.

That's a very specific trend these days, so I guess I might as well embrace it.

Matt's big return starts now...

This Show reunites Matt Murdock (aka Daredevil), Karen Page and 'Foggy' Nelson.

In the previous Seasons of Daredevil (made for Netflix), they ended up forming a Law Firm that helped the poor and less fortunate together.

Another face from their past appears in the form of Bullseye, the Villain of Season 3 (which, full disclosure, I never finished).

He strikes close to home (literally and metaphorically), which pushes Daredevil over the edge.

To be fair, he's lived near said edge for the last 20 years.
The Kingpin (aka Wilson Fisk) is also back in the picture.

To catch you up, he debuted in/returned to the MCU in Hawkeye, in which he got shot in the face by his protege Echo.

On her titular Show, we learn that he survived and didn't take things well.
She used her powers on him and 'cured him' of his childhood trauma.

He fled after that and has now reappeared to run for Mayor of NYC!
Episode 2 begins with a man trying to save a person from being attacked in the Subway.

In the melee, he accidentally kills the one man by tossing him away *right* as a subway train goes by.

He's now being tried for murder...since it was Cop!
As Mayor, Fisk tries to do good, trying to stick to his pledge to 'cure the City.'

That proves harder than he thoughts, so he resorts to his old tactics a bit.

Matt is busy with the aforementioned murder case, but has vowed to keep an eye on Fisk.

To find out more, stream the Series now.
More Episodes to come, obviously.
A return that is well deserved and so far quite good.

I've always been of two minds on the Netflix version of Daredevil.

Part of me says that the gritty realism helps to ground the Stories.
Part of me says that it is often edgy just to be seen as adult and somewhat clashes with the fantastical elements.

Perhaps both can be true.
For instance, we get a line where Matt refers to a client not 'having his mystical talisman with him' and he says it 100% straight.

This Show I think does a good balance, even if it leans on the dark stuff early on.

These Episode also walk a fine line with past continuity, with Fisk being coy about what happened to him in Hawkeye and then Echo.
Likewise, Bullseye just kind of shows up and they don't name him until much later.  It's just 'yeah, Bullseye is here.'

If you can get past the possible tonal issues and the hurdle of continuity, this is still a really good Show so far and I want to *see* how it goes from here.  Hopefully, it brings the Heat.

A good Show so far.  Hopefully this pleases the fans of the Netflix Show that maybe have missed out on recent MCU content.

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