Thursday, December 5, 2024

Tubi Thursday: The Dwarves of Dragon Mountain (2018)

 With so much talk about The Lord of the Rings these days, let's look at a Film that kind of/sort of rips it off.

I'm sure it is done with love, but...come on...

A shot of some Mountains with a Dragon flying over it is presented as we get a bunch of exposition about The Capital and how it exploits the Dwarves.

A mine just collapsed...and you never see that Dragon again.
The 4 Dwarves get free of the debris and try to figure out what to do.

They can stay and wait OR try to get out.
Obviously the latter makes for a more interesting Film, so they do that.

Along the way, they meet a Human, who is wearing a full-body suit and helmet that looks like HR Giger designed it.

Will she be able to help them?
While it is not a Dragon, there is something else down in the Mine.

Will it spell their hope or their doom?

To find out, stream the Film now.
It is much less of a Lord of the Rings Film than advertised.  I'm shocked.
Well, not really.

In actuality, the Film is more about how the Dwarves are being exploited and reads more like something written by Bernie Sanders than Tolkien.

They keep talking about 'The Capital,' but we never see it.  
Without that context, it is just empty words.

The Film, in some ways, is much closer to The Descent.  Maybe you could argue that the creature is inspired by the Spiders from Tolkien lore, but that's a real stretch.

It's not terrible at all.
It is super cheap looking overall and very bleak.

If that works for you, enjoy.  
As for me, I want to have a word with the guys who wrote these DVD Blurbs!

A Film that is much less of a blatant rip-off than advertised.  If only it were, you know, really good in its place.

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