Thursday, October 3, 2024

Tubi Thursday: The Boneyard (1991)

 Thanks to Helene, you get more content!

This is 1991's The Boneyard, a Film I legit hadn't heard of before.
Yes, I never heard of it.

Let's see how it is...

The Plot is pretty bonkers and kind of takes a while to go anywhere.

I'll speed run this...

A retired Psychic is brought in by two Cops (one old and one young) to investigate when a Japanese Man has 3 children's bodies in his Yard.

They go to see them in the by her?
She gets a lock of hair from each and sees strange visions.

She finally realizes that the children- yes, the dead ones- are the danger.

She goes to help...a bit too late for some.
The Children are some sort of beings cursed to un-life.  
To be more accurate, one was and it affected the other two.

She seeks shelter with the survivors- including a woman who was mistaken for a corpse and woke up on the slab- and needs a way out.
Said creatures are nice and freaky.

This is what happens when a Special FX/Make-Up guy Directs a Film.
See Harbinger Down or Meet the Hollowheads.
During an attack, the Morgue Owner- Diller- comes down and is bitten/cursed by one of them.

After lots of 'can we get out of here?' and 'is she alright,' she goes full Judge Doom.

Or, if you prefer more of a Deep Cut, she transforms like Sandra in Inhumanoids.
She's not the last threat, however, as the Film picks way up in the last 20 minutes.

The dog is also transformed and now I kind of love this Film.

To find out how it goes, stream the Film now.
A Film that is all kind of crazy...when it can be bothered to get going.

Simply put, the Film is a slow starter.  This certainly isn't helped by the Free with Ads Model of Tubi- to be fair- which makes you wait even longer.

It has a weird premise as well and it is never really explained.

That said, I still hold fond (if awkward) memories of that Film I watched a Decade ago about the fetus who mutated into a Monster via toxic waste, so I am 100% the demo for this.
Granted- I was 8 when this came out, so I'm really the demo NOW and not then.

It is all kinds of bonkers when things get going, so I can't fault it for that.

Sadly, the Director- who IMDB claims was also a Sous Chef on Iron Chef (!!!!)- died in 2010, so we can't get him involved in any update/new version of this.

Make this happen, even- sadly- without Phyllis.

A totally out there Film that is both a Horror Comedy...and not.  For better or worse, it is unique!

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