Instead of talking about a Halloween Film today, let's talk about what didn't happen.
Let me explain...
The Halloween Series had a number of starts and stops- notably after H2 and then H3, followed by H6- over the years.
So that gives us many What Ifs...
(Preface- I'm skipping the most talked about one- What If Became an Anthology Series With Michael Meyers?- since it is obvious)
1) What if it just stopped?
It is well known that John Carpenter had no plans to make a Series. He had made a Classic and the Company wanted more.
He found someone else to take over for Halloween 2 and it was also a hit.
...but What If it didn't?
Would it be remembered as a great one-and-done Film?
2) What If It Didn't Reset (the first time)?
After Halloween 6 failed critically and wasn't a huge hit financially, should it have just stopped?
Producers didn't think so, especially in the wake of Scream revitalizing the Genre.
So they got Jamie Lee Curtis to come back for the 1998 Film.
...but What If it didn't?
Would it be that Series that was good and fun...but got bad and stopped?
3) What If They Kept Going after Halloween 6?
As noted, H6 was not a huge hit and the Series stopped in 1995.
...but What If it didn't?
The Series went a really weird direction with the whole Cult of Thorn angle. It was planned to take a strange turn with a corrupted Loomis, but then the Actor died.
They awkwardly recut the Ending to have him die (off-camera) with Michael still alive?
Would we have had Paul Rudd face off with Meyers again?
4) What If They Didn't Kill Off Jamie Lloyd?
Another Halloween 6(66) one here as the Film takes a real dark turn with a time jump and a (young) adult Jamie Lloyd dying after giving birth to another Meyers heir.
...but What If it didn't?
Why couldn't she get a happy ending to her story (after resisting evil and temporarily besting Michael)?
Why fridge her and not let her work with Rudd and Loomis?
5) What If They Didn't (Nearly Fully) Reset in 2018?
After Rob Zombie made a pair of Films that were full Reboots in the Series, it sat dormant for about a Decade?
With Legacy Sequels becoming a thing, the 2018 Film was made. It follows the first Halloween Film...and that's it. Even Halloween 2 was not in continuity anymore.
...but What If it didn't?
This one is a complex one, to be fair, as where do you stop? With Jamie Lee's Laurie around, you can't include Halloween: Resurrection.
Do you include her as a Mom who left her Daughter behind in Halloween 4-6?
I totally get this one- save for excluding Halloween 2- but it does complicate things.
You have your own What Ifs? Let me know...