Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Poor Bastards of Cinema: The Leprechaun's Game (2020)

 A bad Holiday Film can at least give me content than just a Review.

This recent one- my St. Patrick's Day Review- does just that.

To review, some folks are hired by a strange, rich man to find a Leprechaun's Pot of Gold.
They decide to keep it for themselves...and the titular guy is pissed!

Before that happens, however, we get some setup for pathos as one of them has a sick girlfriend (I think- I honestly don't recall if they are married or not).

After they get the gold, we see that one of them has a girlfriend.
A different person, to be clear.

We meet her, the couple celebrates with off-camera sex and then splits up for post-coitus cleaning.
While the guy is in the Shower, the Leprechaun shows and blows powder into the woman's face.

Unlike the powder in Pro-Wrestling, this doesn't blind you temporarily- it messes your face up real bad!
Well, we just met her and she meets a bloody death for no reason.

Got one more in you, Film?


The sick Spouse questions where she got the money from, since every character here has 'insert crime past here' as their Backstory.

She's convinced that things are fine.
While she's gone in the next Scene, the Leprechaun shows up and goes after the sick lady.

Using his vaguely-defined powers, he makes her bend like that girl in the (boring and pretentious) Remake of Suspiria.

…and she dies.
One of them has no backstory and dies in their second (arguably first) Scene.
The second gets some setup...but is still just there to die- just more tragically.

Most importantly, neither took the gold, nor did they even touch it.

There could have been a twisted moral lesson here if it spared them and killed the thieves...but no.
Poor Bastards it is then!

Next time, another Film via Tubi that gave me some gratuitous death.  Can I get 2 Updates out of it?  See you then...

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