A case of a good Title...but not what is actually promised. This is Doctor Blood's Coffin, a 1961 Thriller which promises alot. Who is Doctor Blood? He's a Frankenstein-style Doctor who wants to cure death. He's...evil? Well, he is, but his motives sound good at first. What's up with his coffin? Well, I'll get to that later. Sufficed to say, this is not the bloody, ghastly chiller that it sounds like. The actual Plot involves a small Village in England dealing with missing people? Who's responsible? Well, the Film plays coy...for about 20 minutes- tops. In an interesting move, we know who the bad guy is for most of this and follow him around. It's not 100% unique, but pretty rare for the time. Does it work? The Film comes to us from Sidney J. Furie, a long-time Director with lots of stuff on his Resume. Granted, some of that is Superman IV, Detention (with Dolph Lundgren) and Rodney Dangerfield's My 5 Wives. This Film is also notable for being one of the first Zombie Films in Color. I'll get into that later too though. To find out how this great Title...I mean, Film is, read on...
In a Cold Open, a Doctor is kicked out of his University for doing an experiment on an unwilling subject.In a small Village, random people are going missing. Who is to blame?
It's Dr. Blood...specifically his Son, that is.
It helps when people just implicitly trust him and look into nothing he does or says.
In between his playing God, he also tries to hook up with a Nurse.
She eventually begins to suspect that some of what he's saying doesn't add up.
She catches him in the act- well, not working on his master plan fully- and he comes clean to her. He's one of those 'I think that I'm helping' kind of villains.
He flees to his Cave- which they checked earlier, but trusted him when he said it was empty- and finishes his work. She shows up again and it's good, since his masterpiece is the revival of...
It has so much promise- the Title that is. No, I won't let this go!
Next time, a weird Vampire Film that doesn't quite end up like you think. It's the kind of arty stuff that I'd normally dump in Bob's lap...yea? Stay tuned...
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