Another Tarantino Film- why not?
At this point, the guy says that he's going to retire...but I'll believe it when I see it. For now, he's supposedly got one last Film in him.
This, however, is his 1997 Film Jackie Brown. It is apparently the only Film that is based on an outside source material- the Book 'Rum Punch' by Elmore Leonard.
Granted- ALL of his Films are based on outside source material, be them Kung Fu Films or a French Arthouse Film that nobody cares to remember. They just aren't *specifically* based on one that he has to Credit.
Just in time to end February (where did the time go?!?), let's look at his love letter to Blaxploitation.
Since he had just made Pulp Fiction, everyone he wanted was pretty much available and willing to show up. As such, he got a great Cast here.
Can they overcome the usual Tarantino issues?
Let's find out...
After a long intro seeing the Title Character go through the Airport, we meet Sam Jackson and Robert De Niro.
The former is a Gun Runner who loves to talk and say 'the N-word' as much as humanly possible.
The latter is a Bank Robber just out of Jail and kind of a dummy.
A convoluted scheme is hatched that is all about getting Jackson's money out of Mexico without catching any attention.
The scheme involves bailing out one guy (Chris Tucker!) with the help of Robert Forster (who earned that Academy Award nomination), killing the guy he just bailed out and then using Jackie to get the money in a bit at a time.
The problem- the Feds are onto this part.
They stop Brown as she leaves the Airport (arriving from Mexico) and arrest her for the money and some planted drugs.
She's pissed, but silent.
She's bailed out by Jackson, who then meets up with her with some ill intent on his mind.
He clearly was going to kill her if he thought that she'd talked, so she turns the tables on him.
She sets up the idea of a fake money drop for the Feds and a real one for him.
...while also working with the Feds to, well, do the opposite.
Notably Michael Keaton here plays the same Federal Agent in Out of Sight, another Elmore Leonard adaptation released in the next year.
After a Trial Run, they eventually get around to the real drop-off and switch.
However, Jackie works with Forster to *actually* steal the money.
This leads to us seeing the same Scene three times with more information each time- first Jackie, then De Niro and Bridget Fonda and finally Forster.
It's...very Tarantino.
Jackson does not take the news well, especially when he learns that De Niro both killed Fonda (who annoyed him) and did spot Forster there, but did nothing.
When I was getting this Screen Shot, I started the Scene and had to wait for AN ETERNITY for this to finally happen.
That's Tarantino Dialog Scenes for you!
Forster meets up with Jackson and sets up a deal to return the money.
The latter is understandably not trusting.
How will it all go down?
Brown- knowing that the Feds DO NOT know about the extra $450,000- sets up Jackson to be shot by the Feds when he enters and before he can bring it up.
In the aftermath, she keeps most of the money and goes to Spain alone...or does she?
The Movie acts vague at The End, because why not?
A good Film, as long as you know what to expect.
It is a Quentin Tarantino Film, so expect the following....
* Lots of swearing.
* Long, long dialog Scenes
* Random spurts of violence
* The N-word
* Pace as slow and steady as an IV Drip
If you're a Tarantino fan, this will be exactly what you want.
If you aren't, you'll possibly lose interest before the Film is half over.
It is never what I would call 'bad.' It can be long and ponderous, but it is always well-acted and well-produced.
I'm glad that Pam Grier got a showcase role like this. I'm also glad that Robert Forster got the respect he deserved thanks to this Film.
That said, the Film is all of his best and worst excesses on full display. Of course, he's not the worst person here...
A Film that will 100% please fans of Tarantino and his auteur instincts. For everyone else, its alright.