Wednesday, February 12, 2025

My Crazy Youth: When The Falcon and The Red Hulk Debuted on 'The Avengers' Together

There's lots of talk about the MCU these days.
There's a new Captain America Film coming out.

The promotion of the Film- which fully elevates Sam Wilson from The Falcon to Captain America- is also built around a big name.

The Red Hulk!

This is all quite natural, you see, as both of them debuted on The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes at the same time!

To set the stage for you, The Avengers have saved the world on many occasions.
In spite of that, some people don't trust them, since they have a Hulk!

The most vocal critic is a man named Dell Rusk, who just also happens to be the US Secretary of Defense.

If you don't know the Comic Book story that this is based on, I'll just tell you to look at all of the letters in his name.
What villain name can you spell with 'Pete Hegseth?'

Anyhow, imagine his delight in 'Nightmare in Red' (Season 2, Episode 9) when a mysterious new Hulk shows up on the SHIELD Hellicarrier to smash things up.

This one is Red!
Notably, Bruce Banner is far away with Hawkeye- not in his Hulk form.

They go to the Mansion when the attack hits.

Soon enough, look who shows up- The Falcon!
The pair of attacks are eventually foiled and the plan is revealed.

The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, Red Hulk and Doc Samson (who was also on the Hellicarrier) are all part of Code Red- a team formed by (wait for it) Dell Rusk.
Due to the unique nature of this Show- with a Season-long Plot and individual ones- this is not followed up on again until 11 Episodes later!

In 'Code Red,' the Mansion is gassed with a poison that turns you red.  Hmm...

The members of the titular team attack our Heroes in some one-on-one fights.
The Winter Soldier is awoken!  Dell Rusk's identity is revealed!

He's The Red Skull!

He's defeated, of course, (well, until the next Episode) and the day is saved yet again by a Nazi being punched in the face!
There's a bit more of the Red Hulk on the Show (see 'The Most Dangerous Man Alive') and The Falcon also gets in on the action once more.

A fun pair of Episodes that really get to show off The Red Hulk, who was a pretty new Character when these Episodes aired in 2010.

Will his Live-Action counterpart do as well?

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