Friday, February 14, 2025

Holiday Flix: My Bloody Valentine (1981)

 It's a-boot to get bloody in here!

The 2000s were a great Decade if you loved Remakes of Horror Films from the '80s (or sometimes further back).  My Bloody Valentine 3-D was one of those.

It was also a Remake with one of the two guys from Supernatural (the other being House of Wax).

Let's not talk about that Film though- it is time for the Original!

This Canadian Film was one of the early Slasher Films when the Genre really took off.  To really date this Film, it was supposedly censored in the wake of John Lennon's death in December of 1980.


Is this Cult Classic worth a look over 40 years later or should you stick to the Remake?
To find out, read on...

The Film begins with two people in Mining Gear wandering off on their own.

One of them strips down, but briefly keeps the mask on.

Whose Fetish is this?
Anyhow, he kills her and then we get the Titles.

The Film follows a group of Miners who live and party in nearby Valentine's Bluff.

The titular day is nearly there.
The Mayor and Sheriff reminisce about how this is the first Valentine's Day Party in 20 years.

We hear about a Miner named Harry who was nearly killed in an explosion due to Owner incompetence.
The Holiday Party happened at the same time.

He proceeds to kill said Owner and threatened them to never hold a Party again!
He's back now, but his whereabouts cannot be proven.

I'd joke about how poorly managed the Psych Wards were in '80s Slashers (see Sleepaway Camp 2, The Burning and Girls Nite Out), but Reagan literally did clear them out!

The Miner kills one of the older ladies preparing for the Party.
The other Plot involves a guy- TJ- who left Town and his girlfriend behind to 'make it big.'

He's now returned and wants his girlfriend back, but Axel is now with her.

It is a real 'Will They, Who Cares?' tale.
Random folks of minor importance die in the Town as the Party goes on unofficially

Harry will not be pleased!

Even in 1981, the 'Guy who misses the dead body' cliche was in full effect.
The Miner continues to kill people, mostly the young folks who decide to go to the Mine to Party.

Even if they don't die, are they really going to have a good time drinking and making out in a Coal Mine?!?

Oh, and this Scene is still missing on the most recent Uncut version of this Film made the year my Brother was born.
We only get to see them found like this.
As it turns out, the Miner was actually dead.  He died 5 years ago.

So, who is this Miner?

It is Axel!
As a kid, he watched the original Miner- Harry- kill his Dad.

This made him crazy...somehow.

When TJ returned, he went a bit nuts.

He escapes (minus an arm) to set up a Sequel that never got made.
A pretty basic Film, but it really doesn't do anything wrong either.

MBV is a pretty simple Film.  It sets up a concept.  It introduces a bunch of random Characters.  It sets up a killer.  They then start the killing.

The Plot is not that complicated, just riding on the TJ-Sarah-Axel Love Triangle and not much else.

The draw here are the kills.
They are done well.
They are bloody.

I'm watching the most recent- as far as I know- Cut and you can see most of it in all of its gory...I mean, glory.

The Film is fine.  It is nothing amazing.
I was hoping for something far more Canadian from this, but it is just the beer and a-boots, really.

I can at least reminisce about this older version of the classic Paramount logo though.

A Film that is probably a must-see for Slasher buffs.  That said, there's no major hook here to really stand out.

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