Friday, January 24, 2025

Screener Flix: Sunray- Fallen Soldier (2025)

 Let's make my first 2025 Review one for a Screener.
I haven't done one of these in far too long!

This is Sunray- Fallen Soldier, an Action-Drama hitting Digital and select Cinemas starting today.

The Filmmakers are leaning into the idea that the Stars are former Royal Marines, which is supposed to give it a really legit feel.

Does it work?

Will this one make me dive back into doing more Screener Reviews?
Let's find out...

In the Cold Open, a group of military men take out a Drug Den.

They use precise tactics and structure.

They burn the supply.
However, they didn't get who they were after.

The battle will continue.
Good thing- we're only 10 minutes in!
The Film focuses on Andy, a former Marine.

He's got all of the usual issues- PTSD, Survivor's Guilt, an Ex-Wife and a Daughter he's not close enough too.

He's just trying to live a normal life.
We also follow Cassius, who is the Boyfriend of Andy's Daughter.

He has a job that he's super vague about and ends up leaving her alone at a party.
She ends up ODing on some drugs- that he brought over!- and Andy is pulled into action.

He works his way up the chain of command to get his bloody revenge.
He's joined by his fellow former Marines.

Will they get him what he wants?

To find out, watch the Film now.
A Film that is both more of what you expect and also much more of what you don't.

Simply put, the Film is much more of a serious Drama with some Action in it.
That's not a complaint- just a clarification.

The Film really focuses on Andy's state-of-mind.  It focuses on how he's dealing with all of his problems.
The short answer- not well.

Going on a revenge quest seems to be the answer he's seeking, but should it be?
That's the question.

The Action Scenes are well done and they definitely have a 'real' feel to them.  The Actors' experience as Marines does play into things nicely, with them working in formation and using military tactics.

The Film doesn't have too much of one modern issue- CGI squibs/blood.
As you can see below, they have some practical effects.

Just know going in that there's lots of Character Drama, which is thankfully well-acted.  You will get your action fix, but the Story is the main thing here.

I guess since this is a British Film, I should say that they do a 'bloody good job' with the Acting, right?

A Film with a heavy focus on Drama- often Melodrama- and Story.  That said, the Action Scenes are great when they show up.

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