Friday, September 13, 2024

Unlucky Day: Friday the 13th- The Series 'Tales of the Undead'

 Another Friday the 13th, the second of two this Year.

Was it worth the wait to catch another Episode of those Cult Classic Show?

Let's find out as we look at...

This Episode features a crazy-looking guy being obsessed with a rare Comic, but he can't buy it.

Our Hero- John D. LeMay- is revealed to also be a Comic Book Fan- at least for this Episode.

He also obsesses over the Comic and goes to leave the Shop.
The crazy guy breaks open the case and takes the Comic.

He grabs it and he transforms via Comic Panels into the Character from the Book!
He kills the Owner and knocks our Hero aside.

John goes to the Artist- Ray Walston- and he's a bit bitter about how the Character was 'stolen' from him (think Siegel and Schuster).

He finds out who took the Comic and confronts him, stabbing them with an Award he won.
Now he has the Comic and he wants revenge.

Before it happens, we learn from the Grandson of the Publisher that it wasn't exactly stolen.
He got paid for it...and then lost the money in a land deal.

Regardless, he confronts the man after our Heroes leave.
He transforms into the Robot and smashes the place up, killing the Publisher('s Grandson).

I guess his revenge sort of works...if you kill the son of the son of the person you're mad at.
The Leads figure out that an angry Walston wrote a Comic where the Character dies, but it was never published.

He tries to burn the pages- keeping him immortal as said Character-, but John reads the page.

It was the Award- written ironically at the time- so he uses that to kill Walston.

The End. 
A fun Episode, even if they muddy things up a bit.  Walston was wronged...or was he?  Sort of...I guess.

The idea that there are two killers/users of the device is an interesting twist.  I don't think I've seen that in the other Episodes I've done so far.
How unique is it overall?

The premise here is really silly.  I mean, why does the cursed comic let you become the Character?  Who made the curse?  Why?

I guess the idea is that Walston's rage leaked through his signature into the Comic....maybe...I dunno.

The Special Effects are stylized- which covers up the fact that they couldn't do morphing in 1987 on a TV Show Budget- and I kind of dig how cheesy they are.

As far as weird premises go, this one is up there.
Plus, the Robot is clearly *inspired* by a certain Space Knight...

A silly Episode, even by this Show's standards.  That said, they 100% commit to it, so fair play!

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