Sunday, July 10, 2022

Immediate Response: Thor- Love & Thunder

 After so many Marvel Films, will their first Solo Film 4-quel deliver?  Let's find out...

The Good

* Gorr is a fleshed-out and understandable Villain.  He's evil in his methods...but you get why he does what he does.  Kudos, Writers and Bale.

* Thor's journey here is great, as he learns to love others and himself.  He's as fun and badass as ever.

* Mighty Thor has an all-too human motivation to become, well, a God (of sorts).  You feel for her during her bittersweet journey.

* Korg.  He's always a good thing.

* The Plot is a fun journey across multiple Planets and Realms which- no SPOILERS- takes some unique turns.

The Bad

* To be fair, Taika leans pretty heavily on the 'Korg Narrates a Story' idea to deal with the Plot.  It's logical the first time- flowing organically into the next Scene-, but not so much the next 2-3 times.  I'm guessing it was a COVID thing?

* Russell Crowe as Zeus is either hilarious or hilariously-bad.  Your taste may vary.

* Marvel made another Character Gay.  This one is just for you Incels out there.

* We are teased with some 'classic Guardians Adventures with Thor' and only get one.  Make it happen, Marvel Animated!

In summary, T:L&T is a fun, surprisingly-deep Film.  It's another Taika Waititi Film, in other words.

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