Saturday, April 27, 2019

DCE-Hulu: Doom Patrol- 'Danny Patrol'

While everyone is focusing on Marvel, let's pay a little attention to DC.  They keep pumping out Shows, so they keep me busy...
One of the oddest Patrol Members/Characters made the cut!  He's a living Street and, well, need I say more?
After being rejected by Robotman, Jane retreats to a weird (and blond) personality.  She's turning more and more into Roger from American Dad!
Cyborg and Negative Man investigate Danny to find some clues about the Chief.  The residents are, well, colorful.  Are they helpful though?
In the other Story, Jane has been replaced by 'Karen,' who plans to get married.  Can they put a stop to this for her own good?

To find out, watch the Show.  Stay tuned for a cool new Show, Months from now.
A more fun Episode than last week.  I hope that this is a general turn away from the dour.  While this one isn't *super* upbeat, it has many things goings for it.  It has a message of tolerance and being yourself.  It has a message about standing up for yourself and not changing just to please others.  It has some fun moments with 'Karen' acting like a cliché Rom-Com Character.  It has a lovely Musical Number.  It has Robotman dancing with a child.  There are some people that are not going to like this due to it handling many LGBTQ Themes and basically saying 'People are people.'  If that upsets you, I don't particularly care.  This Episode manages to take one of the weirder characters and actually make it work pretty well.  By giving Danny a Spokesperson, they can work around the overall issue- Danny doesn't talk.  It manages to 'talk' by way of Street Signs and Billboards, but that only gets you so far.  This was a smart move.  That said, this is another 'Let's Find the Chief...but Actually Do Something Else' Episode.  Don't stretch things out *too much* guys.  It is still better than Titans though.  If nothing else can be taken away from this Episode, it is this- listen to people who are just trying to check up on you...
Next time, they try to fix Jane.  Yeah, good luck with that!  See you then...

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