Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Streaming Standard: Castlevania- Nocturne (Season 2)

 A crazy and intense Show- so I take it in bursts.

Now that I'm done with Season 2 (likely of 2), let's take a look back...

When we last left things (wait- did I NOT Review Season 1?!?), our Heroes were not in a good place.

Richter and Annette were trying to stop a Vampire from unleashing a literal Godly power.

They only escaped thanks to Alucard's arrival.
They didn't stop it.

In fact, things are getting even worse.

The Vampire is amassing power AND she brought back her companion as a Night Creature (think a Frankenstein Monster mixed with actual Monsters).

They want the heart of Sekhmet!
Maria, meanwhile, is all out of sorts after her Dad turns out to be evil and her Mom becomes a Vampire.

She starts to tap into dark magic.

Can it be controlled or will it control her?
Things continue to get worse as the Army of evil grows in both numbers and power.

Alucard rallies a force, while the rest try to tap into other powers.

Can they stop the Vampires?
To find out, stream it now.
A bloody good time!  I mean, the pun was right there.

The Show, as noted, is very intense.  It features lots of fighting, blood and guts.
It is never without merit and just for shock value.

Obviously, this is a Show where you REALLY need to see Season 1 first.  Just to be clear.

The Show has some excesses that aren't violent.  Mainly the use of Opera which pops up for long stretches as a Soundtrack to some key Scenes.
It's not bad Opera Singing...but it is still Opera Singing.

This is also one of those Shows that isn't Anime, but sure looks like it (a big trend these days).  Fanime, perhaps?
That really amps up in this Season, especially in the last 2 action-packed Episodes.  It gets really close to just being a Dragon Ball show at times.

All that said, I enjoyed this intense, dramatic and exciting Show.  Just know what you're getting into.

A strong Show that gets crazier and crazier as it goes on.  A big dramatic climax makes this all worthwhile.

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