Saturday, March 8, 2025

Aquatic Killers: Rogue (2007)

 The long-awaited look at the OTHER Crocodile Film from 2007.  Back in...December (?!?), I looked at Primeval and planned to jump right to this one.

Here we are with me finally covering Rogue, a 2007 Film about a Australia.

This one is also based on real a very loose manner.  A rogue crocodile was loose in the '70s, but didn't attack anyone on record.

This Film is set in the Present (of 18 years ago) and has it doing just that.

Will the fact that water runs down the sink in the opposite direction there make a difference?
Will people realize that I'm joking and know that isn't a real thing?

To find out, read on...

Our Cold Open has a creature in the Outback killed by a Crocodile.

I guess this was made for the 6 people who went to see this and DID NOT KNOW WHAT A CROCODILE WAS.

Was I too sarcastic there?
The actual Story involves a man- Alias' Michael Vartan- who is temporarily stuck in rural Australia.

He's a travel writer without a ride and sees all about how crocodiles in the area are dangerous.
So, naturally, he goes on a Wildlife River Cruise.

I mean, obviously.

What could go wrong?
The Cruise goes alright for the random group of Tourists and Townies.

We get a family with a young Daughter, a snooty guy and an older couple.

They are also bothered by some locals...and Sam Worthington?!?
They go off on a side route when they spot a flare.

Their boat is attacked by an unseen creature (what could it be?) and stranded.
The group freaks out over their new situation.

Things get worse when one of the men is grabbed off-screen (and silently) by a creature.

Joined by Worthington (whose boat was also crushed), they work a plan to cross the lake.

It goes poorly and they finally see the creature- it's a giant crocodile!
Vartan comes up with a plan to anchor the crocodile with some bait.

It works long enough for the main group to get away, but the Guide- Radha Mitchell- gets grabbed.

She's surely dead, right?
Well, no.

Despite eating everyone (and everything) so far, it dragged the wounded lady to its den.

Vartan is lead to her by the dog- thank goodness they didn't use it as bait- and now has to sneak away from the apex predator!
After a serious struggle, he sets a dangerous trap for the crocodile.

It manages to stake itself through the head while trying to eat him.

In the aftermath, he takes her to be rescued and we see that he made the wall of the bar for his heroics.
The End.
A pretty good Film that maximizes the small amount of creature FX it actually has.

In total, the crocodile appears for just about 6 minutes on-screen.

This is no Jaws- that's a hard bar to reach- but they do a good job with it.

The human drama is decent enough, with all of the characters feeling pretty real. Most of them eventually get a moment or two to stand out as more than just really simple characters.

Hell, even Sam Worthington gets an arc!

The pacing of this one is interesting as it gets past the initial setup- stuck on the inlet- by about the hour mark and spends the right of the time with Vartan in the den.

My own critique is that Radha Mitchell is basically nothing but a prop after the attack.  I'm not sure how I'd have her help, but she's essentially the same as if he had to lug a briefcase out of the den.
Do something.

In any event, this one is a more balanced Film to me than Primeval, despite it making far, far less money.
Speaking of money, Worthington is not the only supporting player in this one who would go on to star in a Film that made over a billion dollars...

Next up, I go to my 'Digital Vault' for a Disney Film that is somehow not streaming.  What secret is hiding in The Woods?  Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tubi Thursday: Creature of the Mist (2022)

 A Chinese Monster Film that was cut down and dubbed.

As a bonus, it is a pretty shameless rip-off of an American Film!

With no build-up whatsoever, a strange Mist flows into a Chinese City.

With it comes a bunch of killer tentacles!
They belong to a strange, unexplained creature.

What is it?
Why is it there?

We are never told.
A bunch of random people- including the Prince, his Guard, a ruffian, a Boatman, etc- run into a nearby Building to stay safe.

How do you say 'Rip Off' in Mandarin?
A group leaves and... seems to mostly do fine.
I guess they just skimmed the Wiki Page.

Back inside, some creatures start to get in and... this feels like something I've seen before.
Can our ragtag group of stranger survive the Mist?

Can they survive each other?
And would this look better in Black and White?

I didn't want to be too subtle now.  One of you in the back still didn't get it.
A Film that could have been interesting.

The idea is not a bad one.  Obviously, it worked pretty well in Print and in Theaters before.

This one is just too short, barely hitting the one-hour mark.  This is achieved by having NO build up for the Characters before the Mist arrives.
Was it supposed to be more interesting that we learned about them AFTER the attack?

It wasn't.

The draw here is either the silly CGI or the Wuxia.  They are both fine, but in far shorter supply than you would expect.
This one really looks and feels pretty cheap, which is a shame.

This is a rip-off and not all that exciting of one.  I was hoping for more silly fun, but it was just melodrama and spurts of fun action.

In spite of how it may sound, watching the Film still didn't feel like, well, this...

A Film with promise, even if it is a rip-off.  Sadly, it is pretty forgettable and vague.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Immediate Response: Captain America- Brave New World (2025)

 At long last, I've got the time to go see this in a Theater.

Let's do this!

The Good
* The Plot is solid, with a Story that apes The Winter Soldier in many good ways.
* I love Captain America's new outfit, and his new Falcon is quite fun as well.
* Sam Wilson gets a nice arc and it is really well-acted by Anthony Mackie.
* Harrison Ford is a great addition too.
* The Film finally pays off many dangling plot threads, from The Eternals to The Incredible Hulk.
* Red Hulk was worth the wait.  He's not in it much, but he is great when he's there.
* The aerial Scenes look really good.  Well done.

The Bad
* The Film doesn't *quite* give you full context for the main Villain (which is from a mostly forgotten Film).  Nor does it explain how there's a Celestial body growing in the Indian Ocean.
* Not everyone is going to live the Villain's design.  I've seen mixed takes on it.
* Needs more Giancarlo Esposito.
* The Film goes sort of political, but also takes no stand on, well, anything.  Just commit!

All in all, I really enjoyed this one.  I'm one of those guys who doesn't think that Marvel has really suffered quality wise all that much, so bear in mind that 'I'm a fanboy.'

That or just, you know, read and decide for yourself.

Take us away, terrible AI Generated Trailer Image on Google.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Streaming Standard: Castlevania- Nocturne (Season 2)

 A crazy and intense Show- so I take it in bursts.

Now that I'm done with Season 2 (likely of 2), let's take a look back...

When we last left things (wait- did I NOT Review Season 1?!?), our Heroes were not in a good place.

Richter and Annette were trying to stop a Vampire from unleashing a literal Godly power.

They only escaped thanks to Alucard's arrival.
They didn't stop it.

In fact, things are getting even worse.

The Vampire is amassing power AND she brought back her companion as a Night Creature (think a Frankenstein Monster mixed with actual Monsters).

They want the heart of Sekhmet!
Maria, meanwhile, is all out of sorts after her Dad turns out to be evil and her Mom becomes a Vampire.

She starts to tap into dark magic.

Can it be controlled or will it control her?
Things continue to get worse as the Army of evil grows in both numbers and power.

Alucard rallies a force, while the rest try to tap into other powers.

Can they stop the Vampires?
To find out, stream it now.
A bloody good time!  I mean, the pun was right there.

The Show, as noted, is very intense.  It features lots of fighting, blood and guts.
It is never without merit and just for shock value.

Obviously, this is a Show where you REALLY need to see Season 1 first.  Just to be clear.

The Show has some excesses that aren't violent.  Mainly the use of Opera which pops up for long stretches as a Soundtrack to some key Scenes.
It's not bad Opera Singing...but it is still Opera Singing.

This is also one of those Shows that isn't Anime, but sure looks like it (a big trend these days).  Fanime, perhaps?
That really amps up in this Season, especially in the last 2 action-packed Episodes.  It gets really close to just being a Dragon Ball show at times.

All that said, I enjoyed this intense, dramatic and exciting Show.  Just know what you're getting into.

A strong Show that gets crazier and crazier as it goes on.  A big dramatic climax makes this all worthwhile.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Streaming Standard: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Episodes 3-10)

 After finally getting to watch all of the Episodes we have so far, I'm ready to discuss it.

Is this the Spider-Man Show for a new Generation?
Is it destined to be remembered fondly like the '90s Show?
Is it instead destined to be mostly forgotten like that MTV one?

Let's find out...

Big changes come to Pete's life in Episode 3.

He's now got a new suit- basically the Future Foundation one- and he's ready to face new threats.

Who is powering up common thugs though?
One can always be improved...but maybe not this way.  That's the Theme of Episode 4.

Peter tries out some new gear and less than amazing or spectacular results.
Things escalate in the B-Plot around Episodes 5 and 6.

Lonnie ends up as part of a Gang.  He's not exactly willing at first.

However, a common enemy in the form of Mac Gargan may change things!
Speaking of Episode 6, we get a Daredevil!

It's not surprising to see (or I guess hear) Charlie Cox return here, but it is welcomed!
Episode 7 introduces a new threat to the series- Scorpion.

Unlike his MCU counterpart, this Gargan gets an upgrade and finally battles Spider-Man!

Lots more happens in Episodes 8-10, but why SPOIL any more of this Show?

To find out how it plays out, Stream it now.
A fun Show that take a bit of a detour before going where you think it will.

One of the big things about this Show is how the plans for it changed.
Originally, it was supposed to be the adventures of the MCU Spider-Man before the events of Civil War and his own Trilogy.

The Creators found that- understandably- constricting.
For instance, you can't introduce Villains that aren't in the MCU if this happened in the past without lots of work and possibly continuity issues.

As such, the pivot to making this an alternate version of Spider-Man was a great move.
This allowed them to do things like switch up the Mentor Role, do different versions of Villains and even mix up the Supporting Cast.

Some changes came with no push back- like using Nico- while others understandably annoyed some people- like making the Osborn clan into African Americans (as if that matters).

The Show is a great ride and I think it will please both casual fans, older fans like me who don't mind new ideas being used and even win over some of the more stubborn ones.

It is just full of so many big and little things to love.
For example, making their Doctor Octopus... 
...modeled off of the Erik Larsen version.

A good Spider-Man Show that manages to both play to nostalgia and mix things up nicely.  Here's to another Season in...dammit 2026.